
Dhootapapeshwar Maha Swarna Yog Suvarnaprashan 30 Tab

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Dhootapapeshwar Maha Swarna Yog 30 Tablets

Indications / Benefits of Maha Swarna Yog :

What are the benefits of Suvarnaprashan?

Acharya Kashyap has not prescribe suvarnaprashan only as as a Sanskaar but deemed it suitable for daily consumption too.Maharish Kashyap has described the benefits of Suvarnaprashan as follows.

  • Bala vardhan:
    Improves strength and immunity, thus prevents frequent illnesses like cold, cough, fever etc.
  • ayush Vardhan:
    Helps improve healthy life span.
  • Medha Vardhan:
    Improved intelligence, also improves memory power and oratory skills.
  • Agni Vardha:
    Improves appetite and digestion.
  • Varnya:
    Improves complexion and imparts healthy glow.
  • Vrushya:
    Increases Sarvadaihik Shukra which improves energy and vigor in children.

Apart from the above benefits it also improves intellect, grasping power, memory, focus in studies and ensures proper physical and psychological development.

Kashyap Achary also mentions that suvarnaprashan, when taken for a month, makes the child intelligent and protects him from diseases while after taking it for six months the child becomes a ‘Shruta Dhara’ which literally means one who can remember everything that he hears, in other words, the child gains unparalleled memory power.

Ingredients / Composition of Maha Swarna Yog :

Hindi Name Botanical Name Measures
Suvarna Bhasma 2 mg
Mishreya Fruite Choorna Foeniculum Vulgare 5 mg

Suggested Dosage / How to Use Maha Swarna Yog :

What is the dose as per age ?

Ayurvedic classics recommend Suvarnaprashan from the time of birth till 16 years of age. According to Kashyap Samhita, it is most beneficial when given daily.

One tablet of Swarna Maha Yog containing 2n mg Suvarna Bhasma should be given to children daily along with cow’s ghee or any other suitable anupan right from birth till sixteen years of age. Alternatively, use Swarna Maha Yog as recommendedby your ayurvedic physician according to your child’s age, body physique and illness if any.

Directions for use :

  •  Take a tablet of Maha Swarna yog. Fill the measuring spoon with boiled and cooled water up till the given mark (1.5 ml).
  • Put the tablet in the water and let it disperse.
  • it only take around 20-30 seconds.
  • then mix appropriate quantity of honey and medicated ghee in it, mix gently and administer it to the child.

Manufacturer :

Shree Dhootapapeshwar LTD.

सुवर्णप्राशन (बच्चों के लिए आयुर्वेदिक टीकाकरण)


बच्चों को किये जाने वाले 16 संस्कारों में से एक संस्कार सुवर्णप्राशन संस्कार है इसका वर्णन आयुर्वेद के बालरोग ग्रंथ कश्यप संहिता में महर्षि कश्यप ने किया है

• सुवर्णप्राशन बच्चे की आयु को बढ़ाता है एवं बलशाली बनाता है

• सुवर्णप्राशन बच्चे की रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता को बढ़ाता है इस प्रकार बच्चे को बार बार बीमार होने से रोकता है।

• सुवर्णप्राशन से बच्चे की बुद्धि, बल, याद्दाश्त, रंग, पाचन क्रिया का विकास अच्छा होता है।

• सुवर्णप्राशन बच्चे को सभी प्रकार की ऐलर्जी से भी बचाता है अतः बच्चे के पूर्ण विकास में सहायक है


सुवर्णप्राशन 0 से 16 वर्ष तक के बच्चों को दिया जाता है।

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