Ayurdaanta Herbs RSS Feeds - Latest Products https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/rss/latest-products Ayurdaanta Herbs RSS Feeds - Latest Products en Copyright 2023 Ayurdaanta Herbs - All Rights Reserved. Ayurdaanta Herbs - Health Booster & Stress Reliever & Mental Health Improover Combo- Safed musli Powder 100Gr |Ashwagandha Powder 100Gr | Kaunch Beej Powder 100Gr | Pili Nepali Sitawar Powder 100Gr https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-health-booster-stress-reliever-mental-health-improover-combo-safed-musli-powder-100gr-ashwagandha-powder-100gr-kaunch-beej-powder-100gr-pili-nepali-sitawar-powder-100gr-2928 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-health-booster-stress-reliever-mental-health-improover-combo-safed-musli-powder-100gr-ashwagandha-powder-100gr-kaunch-beej-powder-100gr-pili-nepali-sitawar-powder-100gr-2928

✔ Price: 1,259

Ayurdaanta Herbs - Health Booster, Stress Reliever & Mental Health Improver Combo

Ayurdaanta Herbs offers a powerful combination of natural herbs, carefully chosen to enhance overall health, reduce stress, and improve mental well-being. These herbs are an excellent choice for anyone seeking to boost vitality, promote emotional balance, and support the body’s ability to fight fatigue and stress. Packed with essential nutrients and adaptogenic qualities, this combo is a natural way to elevate physical strength and mental clarity, allowing you to maintain optimal health in today's demanding world.


  1. Safed Musli Powder (100g)
  2. Ashwagandha Powder (100g)
  3. Kaunch Beej Powder (100g)
  4. Pili Nepali Sitawar Powder (100g)

Key Benefits:

  • Safed Musli Powder:
    Known for its remarkable ability to boost strength and stamina, Safed Musli supports hormonal balance, particularly for men, and enhances sexual wellness. Additionally, it improves energy levels and promotes overall vitality, making it an ideal addition to your daily regimen.

  • Ashwagandha Powder:
    Ashwagandha is renowned for its adaptogenic properties, which help the body adapt to physical, emotional, and environmental stress. It reduces anxiety, combats fatigue, supports the immune system, and boosts cognitive function, helping you manage stress better and maintain mental clarity throughout the day.

  • Kaunch Beej Powder:
    Rich in essential nutrients, Kaunch Beej has been traditionally used to enhance male health and vitality. It boosts energy, improves mental focus, and helps with reproductive health. This herb also promotes physical strength and enhances the body's endurance.

  • Pili Nepali Sitawar Powder:
    Pili Nepali Sitawar is a natural herb known for its ability to improve overall endurance and body strength. It also supports healthy blood sugar levels, aids digestion, and helps boost the immune system, making it an excellent herb for maintaining long-term health.

How to Use:

  • Take 1 to 2 teaspoons of each powder and mix it in warm water, milk, or smoothies.
  • You can consume this mixture once or twice a day, depending on your health goals.
  • For the best results, make this a daily part of your routine.

Why Ayurdaanta Herbs:

At Ayurdaanta Herbs, we pride ourselves on offering only the highest quality herbal products. Each herb in our combo is carefully sourced from trusted suppliers, ensuring that you receive pure and potent ingredients. Our herbs undergo minimal processing to retain their natural effectiveness, so you can experience their full benefits. We are dedicated to helping you live a healthier, more balanced life with the power of nature.

आयुर्दांता हर्ब्स - स्वास्थ्य बूस्टर, तनाव निवारक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य सुधारक कंबो

आयुर्दांता हर्ब्स एक शक्तिशाली प्राकृतिक हर्बल कंबो पेश करता है, जिसे समग्र स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा देने, तनाव को कम करने और मानसिक स्थिति को बेहतर बनाने के लिए सावधानीपूर्वक चुना गया है। ये जड़ी-बूटियाँ ऊर्जा को बढ़ावा देने, शारीरिक सहनशक्ति को सुधारने और मानसिक संतुलन को बनाए रखने के लिए आदर्श हैं। ये सभी हर्ब्स पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर हैं और शरीर को थकान और तनाव से निपटने में मदद करने वाली विशेषताएँ प्रदान करती हैं, जो आजकल के तनावपूर्ण जीवन में शारीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य बनाए रखने के लिए एक प्राकृतिक तरीका प्रदान करती हैं।


  1. सफेद मूसली पाउडर (100 ग्राम)
  2. अश्वगंधा पाउडर (100 ग्राम)
  3. कौंच बीज पाउडर (100 ग्राम)
  4. पिली नेपाली सितावर पाउडर (100 ग्राम)

मुख्य लाभ:

  • सफेद मूसली पाउडर:
    सफेद मूसली शारीरिक शक्ति और सहनशक्ति को बढ़ाने के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। यह हार्मोनल संतुलन को बनाए रखने में मदद करता है, विशेष रूप से पुरुषों के लिए, और यौन स्वास्थ्य को भी सुधारता है। यह ऊर्जा स्तर को बढ़ाता है और समग्र जीवन शक्ति को प्रोत्साहित करता है, जिससे यह आपके दैनिक जीवन के लिए एक आदर्श पूरक बनता है।

  • अश्वगंधा पाउडर:
    अश्वगंधा अपनी एडैप्टोजेनिक विशेषताओं के लिए प्रसिद्ध है, जो शरीर को शारीरिक, मानसिक और पर्यावरणीय तनाव से निपटने में मदद करती है। यह चिंता को कम करता है, थकान से लड़ता है, प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को समर्थन देता है, और संज्ञानात्मक कार्यों को बढ़ाता है, जिससे आप बेहतर मानसिक स्पष्टता और तनाव-प्रबंधन बनाए रख सकते हैं।

  • कौंच बीज पाउडर:
    यह हर्ब पुरुष स्वास्थ्य और जीवन शक्ति को बढ़ावा देने के लिए समृद्ध है। यह ऊर्जा को बढ़ाता है, मानसिक एकाग्रता में सुधार करता है और प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य में सहायता करता है। यह शारीरिक ताकत और सहनशक्ति में भी सुधार करता है।

  • पिली नेपाली सितावर पाउडर:
    पिली नेपाली सितावर एक प्राकृतिक जड़ी-बूटी है, जो समग्र सहनशक्ति और शरीर की ताकत को बेहतर बनाती है। यह रक्त शर्करा के स्तर को संतुलित करने, पाचन में मदद करने और प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को मजबूत करने में भी सहायक है, जो दीर्घकालिक स्वास्थ्य बनाए रखने के लिए एक उत्तम हर्ब है।

उपयोग का तरीका:

  • प्रत्येक पाउडर के 1-2 चम्मच को गर्म पानी, दूध या स्मूदी में मिलाकर सेवन करें।
  • आप इस मिश्रण का सेवन एक या दो बार कर सकते हैं, यह आपकी स्वास्थ्य की आवश्यकता पर निर्भर करता है।
  • सर्वोत्तम परिणामों के लिए, इसे अपनी दिनचर्या का नियमित हिस्सा बनाएं।

आयुर्दांता हर्ब्स क्यों चुनें:

आयुर्दांता हर्ब्स अपने उत्पादों की उच्चतम गुणवत्ता सुनिश्चित करने पर गर्व करता है। हमारे द्वारा चुनी गई हर जड़ी-बूटी विश्वसनीय आपूर्तिकर्ताओं से प्राप्त की जाती है, जिससे आपको शुद्ध और प्रभावी सामग्री मिलती है। हमारी जड़ी-बूटियाँ न्यूनतम प्रसंस्करण से गुजरती हैं ताकि उनकी प्राकृतिक प्रभावशीलता बनी रहे और आप उनके सभी लाभों का अनुभव कर सकें। हम आपको प्राकृतिक, सुरक्षित और प्रभावी स्वास्थ्य समाधान प्रदान करने के लिए समर्पित हैं।

Fri, 03 Jan 2025 19:17:35 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Dhootapapeshwar Swamala Compound (SUGAR FREE) 1Kg https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dhootapapeshwar-swamala-compound-sugar-free-1kg-2926 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dhootapapeshwar-swamala-compound-sugar-free-1kg-2926

✔ Price: 3,900

Dhootapapeshwar Swamala Compound (Sugar-Free) 

Description: Dhootapapeshwar Swamala Compound (Sugar-Free) is a carefully crafted Ayurvedic formulation designed to support the well-being of individuals, especially those managing diabetes. Free from added sugars, it is a healthy alternative to traditional formulations, ensuring it does not cause spikes in blood sugar levels. This product is prepared using a blend of natural herbs and ingredients known for their beneficial effects on health, particularly in managing metabolic and sugar-related concerns.


  1. Swamala - A key ingredient known for its nourishing and rejuvenating properties.
  2. Gokshura - Supports kidney and urinary tract health, improves digestion.
  3. Brahmi - Known for its brain-boosting and stress-relieving properties.
  4. Ashwagandha - Helps in reducing stress, balancing sugar levels, and promoting overall vitality.
  5. Shatavari - Supports the immune system, balances hormones, and enhances energy levels.
  6. Giloy - Known for its immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory, and blood sugar-lowering properties.
  7. Other Ayurvedic Herbs - A proprietary blend to support the body's natural processes without compromising health.

Specialization: This product is specially formulated for those who are conscious about their sugar intake, particularly individuals with diabetes. Its sugar-free formulation ensures that it can be safely used without affecting blood glucose levels. The combination of herbs supports metabolic functions, aids in digestion, and promotes a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

How to Use:

  1. Take 1-2 teaspoons (approx. 5-10 grams) of Swamala Compound (Sugar-Free).
  2. Mix it with lukewarm water or milk (preferably cow's milk or a plant-based alternative).
  3. Consume it once or twice daily as per the requirement or as advised by a healthcare professional.
  4. For best results, use it consistently as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

Benefits for Diabetic People:

  • Blood Sugar Management: Helps in regulating blood sugar levels naturally by improving insulin sensitivity.
  • Enhances Digestion: Supports healthy digestion, which is crucial for individuals with diabetes.
  • Boosts Immunity: The ingredients work synergistically to strengthen the immune system, helping diabetic individuals stay healthy.
  • Stress Reduction: Reduces stress and anxiety, which can otherwise lead to an increase in blood sugar levels.
  • Promotes Vitality: Improves overall strength and energy levels, which may be lower in diabetic individuals.
  • Improves Metabolism: Supports metabolic processes, encouraging efficient nutrient absorption and fat breakdown.

धूतपापेश्वर स्वामला यौगिक (शुगर-फ्री) 1 किलो

विवरण: धूतपापेश्वर स्वामला यौगिक (शुगर-फ्री) एक विशेष आयुर्वेदिक तैयारी है, जो विशेष रूप से मधुमेह से ग्रस्त लोगों के लिए तैयार की गई है। इसमें कोई अतिरिक्त शक्कर नहीं डाली गई है, जिससे यह रक्त शर्करा के स्तर को प्रभावित किए बिना एक स्वस्थ विकल्प बनता है। यह प्राकृतिक जड़ी-बूटियों और घटकों का मिश्रण है, जो स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा देने और शारीरिक कार्यों को संतुलित करने में मदद करता है।


  1. स्वामला - यह एक प्रमुख घटक है, जो शरीर को पोषण और पुनर्निर्माण प्रदान करता है।
  2. गोक्षुर - यह किडनी और मूत्र पथ की सेहत का समर्थन करता है और पाचन में सुधार करता है।
  3. ब्राह्मी - यह मस्तिष्क को उत्तेजना देने और तनाव को कम करने के लिए प्रसिद्ध है।
  4. अश्वगंधा - यह तनाव को कम करता है, शुगर स्तर को संतुलित करता है और शरीर की ताकत को बढ़ाता है।
  5. शतावरी - यह प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को मजबूत करता है, हार्मोन को संतुलित करता है और ऊर्जा स्तर को बढ़ाता है।
  6. गिलोय - यह प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को बढ़ाता है, सूजन कम करता है और रक्त शर्करा के स्तर को कम करने में मदद करता है।
  7. अन्य आयुर्वेदिक जड़ी-बूटियाँ - यह एक विशेष मिश्रण है जो शरीर के प्राकृतिक कार्यों को समर्थन करता है और स्वास्थ्य को बनाए रखता है।

विशेषताएँ: यह उत्पाद विशेष रूप से उन लोगों के लिए तैयार किया गया है, जो अपने चीनी के सेवन के प्रति जागरूक हैं, विशेष रूप से मधुमेह से ग्रस्त व्यक्तियों के लिए। इसमें कोई शक्कर नहीं डाली गई है, जिससे यह रक्त शर्करा के स्तर पर असर डाले बिना सुरक्षित रूप से उपयोग किया जा सकता है। जड़ी-बूटियाँ शरीर के प्राकृतिक कार्यों को बढ़ावा देती हैं और स्वस्थ जीवनशैली के लिए सहायक होती हैं।

कैसे उपयोग करें:

  1. 1-2 चम्मच (लगभग 5-10 ग्राम) स्वामला यौगिक (शुगर-फ्री) का सेवन करें।
  2. इसे गुनगुने पानी या दूध (preferably गाय का दूध या प्लांट-बेस्ड विकल्प) के साथ मिलाएं।
  3. इसे दिन में एक या दो बार अपने स्वास्थ्य की आवश्यकता के अनुसार या एक चिकित्सक के निर्देशानुसार सेवन करें।
  4. सबसे अच्छे परिणामों के लिए, इसे एक संतुलित आहार और स्वस्थ जीवनशैली के हिस्से के रूप में नियमित रूप से उपयोग करें।

मधुमेह के लिए लाभ:

  • रक्त शर्करा नियंत्रण: यह रक्त शर्करा स्तर को स्वाभाविक रूप से नियंत्रित करने में मदद करता है और इंसुलिन की संवेदनशीलता को बढ़ाता है।
  • पाचन सुधार: यह स्वस्थ पाचन में मदद करता है, जो मधुमेह से पीड़ित व्यक्तियों के लिए अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है।
  • प्रतिरक्षा बढ़ाना: इसके घटक मिलकर प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को मजबूत करते हैं, जिससे मधुमेह के रोगी स्वस्थ रहते हैं।
  • तनाव में कमी: यह तनाव और चिंता को कम करता है, जो रक्त शर्करा के स्तर को बढ़ा सकते हैं।
  • ताकत बढ़ाना: यह शरीर की ताकत और ऊर्जा स्तर को बढ़ाता है, जो मधुमेह से पीड़ित व्यक्तियों में कम हो सकते हैं।
  • चयापचय में सुधार: यह चयापचय प्रक्रियाओं का समर्थन करता है, जिससे पोषक तत्वों का अवशोषण और वसा का टूटना प्रभावी ढंग से होता है।

Wed, 18 Dec 2024 21:14:26 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Dhootapapeshwar Swamala Classic (SUGAR FREE) 1Kg https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dhootapapeshwar-swamala-classic-sugar-free-1kg-2925 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dhootapapeshwar-swamala-classic-sugar-free-1kg-2925

✔ Price: 1,545

Dhootapapeshwar Swamala Classic (Sugar Free) is a unique Ayurvedic supplement designed to boost overall health, strength, and vitality without the use of sugar. This formulation is an ideal choice for individuals looking for a natural, sugar-free alternative to improve their physical endurance, mental clarity, and immune function. The product combines the power of traditional Ayurvedic herbs with modern health needs, offering a powerful tonic for daily health maintenance.

Why Choose Dhootapapeshwar Swamala Classic (Sugar Free)?
Dhootapapeshwar Swamala Classic is a perfect solution for individuals seeking to improve their energy levels and overall wellness without the inclusion of sugar. It is especially beneficial for those with dietary restrictions, such as diabetics or those aiming to reduce sugar intake, while still enjoying the health-boosting benefits of this classic Ayurvedic formulation.

Uses and Benefits:

  1. Energy Boosting: Swamala Classic (Sugar Free) enhances physical strength and endurance, helping to combat fatigue.
  2. Supports Immunity: It naturally strengthens the immune system, increasing resistance to infections and diseases.
  3. Promotes Digestive Health: It aids in digestion, improves nutrient absorption, and supports healthy metabolic function.
  4. Rejuvenates and Restores: The product helps in rejuvenating the body, improving tissue repair, and restoring balance to the body's natural systems.
  5. Improves Mental Clarity: Regular consumption may help enhance concentration, focus, and mental sharpness.
  6. Safe for Diabetics: Since it is sugar-free, it is suitable for people with diabetes or those trying to control their blood sugar levels.

Key Ingredients:

  • Swarna Bhasma (Gold Ash): Known for rejuvenating properties and contributing to overall vitality.
  • Ashwagandha: An adaptogen known to reduce stress and improve stamina and strength.
  • Shatavari: A herb traditionally used to balance and restore the body’s health, especially for women.
  • Guduchi: Known for boosting immunity and detoxifying the body.
  • Ghee and Honey (Sugar-Free): Used as a base to enhance the effectiveness of herbs, ensuring proper nourishment and vitality.


  • This product is specifically designed for people who want to boost their overall health and well-being without the need for sugar. It is particularly recommended for individuals who are health-conscious, diabetics, or those who wish to improve their strength, digestion, and immunity.
  • The absence of sugar makes it a safe and effective supplement for those managing blood sugar levels.

Hindi Description:

धूतपपेश्वर स्वमाला क्लासिक (शुगर फ्री) एक अनूठा आयुर्वेदिक पूरक है, जो बिना चीनी के समग्र स्वास्थ्य, शक्ति और जीवन शक्ति को बढ़ाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। यह औषधि उन व्यक्तियों के लिए एक आदर्श विकल्प है, जो अपनी शारीरिक सहनशक्ति, मानसिक स्पष्टता और प्रतिरक्षा कार्य को बेहतर बनाने के लिए एक प्राकृतिक, चीनी-मुक्त विकल्प की तलाश में हैं। यह उत्पाद पारंपरिक आयुर्वेदिक जड़ी-बूटियों की शक्ति को आधुनिक स्वास्थ्य आवश्यकताओं के साथ जोड़ता है, जिससे यह दैनिक स्वास्थ्य देखभाल के लिए एक शक्तिशाली टॉनिक बनता है।

धूतपपेश्वर स्वमाला क्लासिक (शुगर फ्री) क्यों चुनें?
धूतपपेश्वर स्वमाला क्लासिक विशेष रूप से उन व्यक्तियों के लिए आदर्श है जो अपनी ऊर्जा स्तरों और समग्र कल्याण में सुधार करना चाहते हैं, लेकिन चीनी का उपयोग नहीं करना चाहते। यह खासतौर पर उन लोगों के लिए फायदेमंद है जिनके पास आहार संबंधी प्रतिबंध हैं, जैसे मधुमेह रोगी या जो चीनी का सेवन कम करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं, फिर भी इस आयुर्वेदिक टॉनिक के स्वास्थ्य लाभ का आनंद लेना चाहते हैं।

उपयोग और लाभ:

  1. ऊर्जा बढ़ाना: स्वमाला क्लासिक (शुगर फ्री) शारीरिक शक्ति और सहनशक्ति को बढ़ाता है, जिससे थकान को कम किया जा सकता है।
  2. प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली का समर्थन: यह प्राकृतिक रूप से प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को मजबूत करता है, जिससे संक्रमणों और बीमारियों से लड़ने की क्षमता बढ़ती है।
  3. पाचन स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा देना: यह पाचन में मदद करता है, पोषक तत्वों के अवशोषण को सुधारता है और स्वस्थ मेटाबोलिक कार्य को समर्थन प्रदान करता है।
  4. पुनर्जीवित करता है और संतुलन बहाल करता है: यह शरीर को पुनर्जीवित करने में मदद करता है, ऊतक मरम्मत में योगदान करता है और शरीर की प्राकृतिक प्रणालियों को संतुलित करता है।
  5. मानसिक स्पष्टता में सुधार: नियमित उपयोग से एकाग्रता, ध्यान और मानसिक तीव्रता को बढ़ाने में मदद मिल सकती है।
  6. मधुमेह रोगियों के लिए सुरक्षित: क्योंकि यह शुगर-फ्री है, यह मधुमेह रोगियों या जो लोग अपने रक्त शर्करा स्तर को नियंत्रित करना चाहते हैं, उनके लिए उपयुक्त है।

मुख्य अवयव:

  • स्वर्ण भस्म: पुनर्जीवित करने वाली विशेषताएँ और समग्र जीवन शक्ति को बढ़ावा देता है।
  • अश्वगंधा: एक शक्तिशाली अदाप्टोजन जो तनाव को कम करने और सहनशक्ति और शक्ति को बढ़ाने में मदद करता है।
  • शतावरी: एक जड़ी-बूटी जो पारंपरिक रूप से शरीर के स्वास्थ्य को संतुलित और बहाल करने के लिए उपयोग की जाती है, विशेष रूप से महिलाओं के लिए।
  • गुडुची: यह प्रतिरक्षा को बढ़ावा देने और शरीर से विषाक्त पदार्थों को बाहर निकालने में मदद करता है।
  • घी और शहद (शुगर-फ्री): जड़ी-बूटियों की प्रभावशीलता को बढ़ाने और समग्र पोषण और जीवन शक्ति को सुनिश्चित करने के लिए आधार के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता है।


  • यह उत्पाद विशेष रूप से उन लोगों के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है जो अपनी शारीरिक और मानसिक सेहत को बढ़ाना चाहते हैं, बिना चीनी के सेवन के। यह उन व्यक्तियों के लिए विशेष रूप से अनुशंसित है जो स्वास्थ्य के प्रति जागरूक हैं, मधुमेह रोगी हैं या जो अपनी सहनशक्ति, पाचन और प्रतिरक्षा को सुधारना चाहते हैं।
  • चीनी की अनुपस्थिति इसे रक्त शर्करा स्तरों को नियंत्रित करने वालों के लिए सुरक्षित और प्रभावी पूरक बनाती है।

Wed, 18 Dec 2024 10:17:00 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Dhootapapeshwar Swamala Classic 1Kg https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dhootapapeshwar-swamala-classic-1kg-2924 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dhootapapeshwar-swamala-classic-1kg-2924

✔ Price: 1,425

Dhootapapeshwar Swamala Classic is an Ayurvedic formulation known for its health benefits, primarily aimed at improving general health and vitality. It is prepared using a combination of high-quality herbs that help in strengthening the body and enhancing physical endurance. This formulation is widely used in traditional medicine for various health concerns, especially for promoting strength, immunity, and overall wellness.

The composition of Swamala Classic includes powerful herbal ingredients that support the digestive system, nourish the body, and rejuvenate tissues. This formulation is considered beneficial for both men and women who need energy-boosting support, helping them stay active and energetic throughout the day.

Uses and Benefits:

  1. Enhances Strength and Vitality: Swamala Classic is highly effective in improving physical strength and boosting energy levels.
  2. Supports Immunity: It strengthens the body’s natural defense system, making it more resilient against infections.
  3. Promotes Healthy Digestion: This medicine supports the digestive system, improving overall metabolism and nutrient absorption.
  4. Rejuvenates the Body: With its natural ingredients, it revitalizes tissues and helps to maintain overall health.
  5. Boosts Mental Clarity: Regular use may aid in reducing fatigue, enhancing mental focus and clarity.
  6. Restores Balance: It helps in restoring balance in the body, addressing issues related to weakness and fatigue.

Key Ingredients:

  • Swarna Bhasma (Gold Ash): Known for its rejuvenating properties and support for overall health.
  • Ashwagandha: Known for enhancing vitality, strength, and stamina.
  • Shatavari: A powerful herb used for restoring balance in the body, especially in women.
  • Guduchi: A well-known herb for boosting immunity and reducing stress.
  • Ghee and Honey: Used as a base to enhance the potency of the herbs and support overall health.


  • Swamala Classic is specifically designed to enhance physical strength, mental clarity, and overall vitality. It is commonly recommended for individuals dealing with fatigue, weakness, and stress.
  • It is a general tonic that can be consumed as a supplement to maintain good health and prevent common ailments.
  • It also works well in promoting longevity and improving quality of life.

धूतपपेश्वर स्वमाला क्लासिक
(हिंदी विवरण)


धूतपपेश्वर स्वमाला क्लासिक एक आयुर्वेदिक औषधि है जो सामान्य स्वास्थ्य और जीवन शक्ति को बढ़ाने के लिए जानी जाती है। यह उच्च गुणवत्ता वाली जड़ी-बूटियों के संयोजन से तैयार की जाती है जो शरीर को सशक्त बनाने और शारीरिक सहनशक्ति को बढ़ाने में मदद करती हैं। यह औषधि पारंपरिक चिकित्सा में विभिन्न स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं के उपचार के लिए उपयोग की जाती है, खासकर ताकत, प्रतिरक्षा और समग्र कल्याण को बढ़ावा देने के लिए।

स्वमाला क्लासिक का गठन शक्तिशाली हर्बल अवयवों से होता है जो पाचन तंत्र का समर्थन करते हैं, शरीर को पोषित करते हैं और ऊतकों को पुनर्जीवित करते हैं। यह औषधि पुरुषों और महिलाओं दोनों के लिए फायदेमंद है, जो ऊर्जा को बढ़ावा देने वाली सहायता की आवश्यकता महसूस करते हैं, ताकि वे पूरे दिन सक्रिय और ऊर्जावान बने रहें।

उपयोग और लाभ:

  1. शक्ति और जीवन शक्ति में वृद्धि: स्वमाला क्लासिक शारीरिक शक्ति को बढ़ाने और ऊर्जा स्तर को बेहतर बनाने में अत्यधिक प्रभावी है।
  2. प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली का समर्थन: यह शरीर की प्राकृतिक रक्षा प्रणाली को मजबूत करता है, जिससे संक्रमणों से बचाव होता है।
  3. स्वस्थ पाचन को बढ़ावा देता है: यह औषधि पाचन तंत्र का समर्थन करती है, जिससे समग्र मेटाबोलिज्म और पोषक तत्वों का अवशोषण बेहतर होता है।
  4. शरीर को पुनर्जीवित करता है: इसके प्राकृतिक अवयवों के साथ यह ऊतकों को पुनर्जीवित करता है और समग्र स्वास्थ्य को बनाए रखने में मदद करता है।
  5. मानसिक स्पष्टता में वृद्धि: नियमित उपयोग से थकान को कम करने, मानसिक ध्यान और स्पष्टता को बढ़ाने में मदद मिल सकती है।
  6. संतुलन बहाल करता है: यह शरीर में संतुलन बहाल करने में मदद करता है, खासकर कमजोरी और थकान से संबंधित समस्याओं में।

मुख्य अवयव:

  • स्वर्ण भस्म: पुनर्जीवित करने वाली विशेषताएँ और समग्र स्वास्थ्य का समर्थन करता है।
  • अश्वगंधा: जीवन शक्ति, ताकत और सहनशक्ति को बढ़ाने के लिए जाना जाता है।
  • शतावरी: एक शक्तिशाली जड़ी-बूटी जो शरीर में संतुलन बहाल करने के लिए उपयोगी है, विशेष रूप से महिलाओं के लिए।
  • गुडुची: एक प्रसिद्ध जड़ी-बूटी जो प्रतिरक्षा को बढ़ावा देती है और तनाव को कम करती है।
  • घी और शहद: जड़ी-बूटियों की प्रभावशीलता को बढ़ाने और समग्र स्वास्थ्य का समर्थन करने के लिए आधार के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता है।


  • स्वमाला क्लासिक विशेष रूप से शारीरिक ताकत, मानसिक स्पष्टता और समग्र जीवन शक्ति को बढ़ाने के लिए डिज़ाइन की गई है। यह उन व्यक्तियों के लिए सामान्यत: सिफारिश की जाती है जो थकान, कमजोरी और तनाव का सामना कर रहे हैं।
  • यह एक सामान्य टॉनिक है जिसे अच्छे स्वास्थ्य को बनाए रखने और सामान्य बिमारियों से बचने के लिए पूरक के रूप में लिया जा सकता है।
  • यह दीर्घायु को बढ़ावा देने और जीवन की गुणवत्ता में सुधार करने में भी मदद करता है।
Wed, 18 Dec 2024 10:02:52 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Dhootapapeshwar Swamala Compound https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dhootapapeshwar-swamala-compound-1kg-2903 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dhootapapeshwar-swamala-compound-1kg-2903

✔ Price: 3,900

Dhootapapeshwar Swamala Compound

Description (in English):
Dhootapapeshwar Swamala Compound is a renowned Ayurvedic formulation designed to promote overall vitality and wellness. It is traditionally used to support energy levels, enhance mental clarity, and improve physical strength. This compound is beneficial for people experiencing fatigue, weakness, or those recovering from illness. The blend of potent herbal ingredients in Swamala Compound helps balance bodily functions, promote digestion, and support healthy nervous system activity. Its holistic approach aims at restoring balance and improving overall health.

Benefits (in English):

  1. Boosts energy and combats fatigue.
  2. Enhances stamina and physical endurance.
  3. Improves mental focus and clarity.
  4. Aids in post-illness recovery.
  5. Promotes healthy digestion.
  6. Supports the nervous system.
  7. Strengthens the immune system.
  8. Provides nourishment to the body and mind.

Ingredients (in English):
Swamala Compound is a unique blend of the following ingredients:

  • Swarn Bhasma: Gold ash, a rare ingredient known for its rejuvenating properties.
  • Rajata Bhasma: Silver ash, which helps balance the body’s energies.
  • Abhrak Bhasma: Mica, used for its restorative properties.
  • Ashwagandha: An adaptogen that helps reduce stress and fatigue.
  • Brahmi: Known for its ability to enhance memory and concentration.
  • Shankhapushpi: Used to calm the mind and improve mental clarity.
  • Saffron: For its rejuvenating and mood-lifting effects.

Specializing (in English):
Dhootapapeshwar Swamala Compound specializes in strengthening the body and mind, restoring vitality, and enhancing energy levels. It’s especially useful for individuals looking for natural ways to rejuvenate their body after illness or stress, improve mental clarity, and support overall physical well-being. The compound is formulated with time-tested Ayurvedic ingredients to balance the body’s natural processes.

Why Use Swamala Compound (in English):
Swamala Compound is a powerful Ayurvedic remedy for those seeking to improve their physical and mental strength. It’s a natural alternative to boost energy, support recovery from illness, and maintain optimal health. Regular use helps in restoring vitality, enhancing digestion, and calming the mind, making it an ideal supplement for individuals looking for holistic wellness.

धूतपापेश्वर स्वामला कम्पाउंड

विवरण (हिंदी में):
धूतपापेश्वर स्वामला कम्पाउंड एक प्रसिद्ध आयुर्वेदिक औषधि है, जिसे समग्र स्वास्थ्य और ताजगी के लिए तैयार किया गया है। यह खासतौर पर थकान, कमजोरी, और बीमारी से उबरने के बाद शरीर को ताकत देने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है। स्वामला कम्पाउंड के औषधीय गुण शरीर के सभी कार्यों को संतुलित करने, पाचन को सुधारने और मानसिक स्थिति को बेहतर बनाने में मदद करते हैं। यह स्वाभाविक रूप से शरीर में ऊर्जा का संचार करता है और संपूर्ण स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ाता है।

लाभ (हिंदी में):

  1. ऊर्जा को बढ़ाता है और थकान को दूर करता है।
  2. सहनशक्ति और शारीरिक ताकत में सुधार करता है।
  3. मानसिक स्पष्टता और ध्यान को बढ़ाता है।
  4. बीमारी के बाद जल्दी ठीक होने में मदद करता है।
  5. पाचन क्रिया को संतुलित करता है।
  6. तंत्रिका तंत्र को स्वस्थ बनाए रखता है।
  7. इम्यून सिस्टम को मजबूत करता है।
  8. शरीर और मन को पोषण प्रदान करता है।

सामग्री (हिंदी में):
स्वामला कम्पाउंड में निम्नलिखित प्रमुख सामग्री का उपयोग किया जाता है:

  • स्वर्ण भस्म: सोने की भस्म, जो पुनः उत्पत्ति के गुणों के लिए जानी जाती है।
  • राजत भस्म: चांदी की भस्म, जो शरीर के ऊर्जा संतुलन में सहायक होती है।
  • अब्रक भस्म: शिलाजीत, जो शरीर को पुनः शक्ति प्रदान करता है।
  • अश्वगंधा: एक आदाप्टोजेन, जो तनाव और थकान को कम करता है।
  • ब्राह्मी: मानसिक शक्ति और स्मरण शक्ति को बढ़ाने के लिए प्रसिद्ध।
  • शंखपुष्पी: मानसिक शांति और स्पष्टता बढ़ाने के लिए उपयोगी।
  • केसर: पुनः उत्पत्ति और मानसिक स्थिति को बेहतर बनाने वाला।

विशेषज्ञता (हिंदी में):
धूतपापेश्वर स्वामला कम्पाउंड शरीर और मन को मजबूत बनाने, ऊर्जा बढ़ाने, और स्वास्थ्य को पुनः प्राप्त करने में विशेषज्ञ है। यह विशेष रूप से उन लोगों के लिए लाभकारी है, जो बीमारी से उबर रहे हैं, मानसिक स्पष्टता में सुधार चाहते हैं या शारीरिक स्थिति को बेहतर बनाना चाहते हैं। इस औषधि में प्राचीन आयुर्वेदिक अवयवों का संयोजन किया गया है, जो शरीर के स्वाभाविक कार्यों को संतुलित करने में मदद करता है।

स्वामला कम्पाउंड क्यों उपयोग करें (हिंदी में):
स्वामला कम्पाउंड एक शक्तिशाली आयुर्वेदिक उपचार है, जो शारीरिक और मानसिक ताकत को बढ़ाने के लिए आदर्श है। यह ऊर्जा को बढ़ाता है, शरीर की रिकवरी में मदद करता है और संपूर्ण स्वास्थ्य को बनाए रखता है। नियमित रूप से इसका सेवन करने से व्यक्ति की जीवनशक्ति को बहाल किया जा सकता है और यह मानसिक शांति तथा संतुलन प्रदान करता है, जिससे यह एक बेहतरीन स्वास्थ्य समर्थन उत्पाद बन जाता है।

Thu, 12 Dec 2024 16:41:18 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Ayurdaanta hebs-Amar Bel | अमर बेल 50Gr https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-hebs-amar-bel-अमर-बेल-50gr-2898 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-hebs-amar-bel-अमर-बेल-50gr-2898

✔ Price: 379

Sat, 07 Dec 2024 13:09:33 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Sharmayu Medohar Guggulu 120Tab. https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/sharmayu-medohar-guggulu-120tab-2897 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/sharmayu-medohar-guggulu-120tab-2897

✔ Price: 221

SHARMAYU Medohar Guggulu, 120 Tablets

Key Ingredients:

SHARMAYU Medohar Guggulu combines time-honored Ayurvedic herbs, known for their role in promoting weight loss and improving overall health. The primary ingredients are:

  • Guggulu (Commiphora wightii): Known for its ability to support metabolism, it helps reduce fat and purify the body.
  • Triphala (Amla, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki): This powerful blend of three fruits aids digestion, cleanses the body, and enhances metabolic functions.
  • Ginger (Zingiber officinale): A natural digestive aid that promotes better metabolism and helps in weight management.
  • Pippali (Piper longum): Enhances nutrient absorption and improves the body's ability to digest and process food.
  • Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris): Known for promoting kidney health and regulating the body’s fluid balance, it also supports weight management.

Key Benefits:

  • Aids Weight Management: Supports the reduction of body fat, especially around the midsection, by promoting a healthy metabolism.
  • Boosts Digestion and Detox: Enhances the digestive process and assists in removing toxins from the body.
  • Promotes Fat Burning: Works naturally to enhance the body's ability to burn fat more effectively.
  • Supports General Well-Being: Improves overall health by supporting key bodily systems and reducing the risk of fat accumulation.

Directions for Use:

  • Take 1-2 tablets twice daily after meals.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day for better absorption.
  • For best results, maintain a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.


  • Should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women unless advised by a healthcare provider.
  • People with pre-existing medical conditions should consult a healthcare professional before using this product.

SHARMAYU Medohar Guggulu, 120 गोलियाँ

मुख्य घटक:

SHARMAYU Medohar Guggulu को प्रभावी रूप से वजन घटाने और समग्र स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा देने के लिए आयुर्वेदिक जड़ी-बूटियों का एक संयोजन किया गया है। इसके प्रमुख घटक हैं:

  • गुग्गुलु (Commiphora wightii): यह मेटाबॉलिज़्म को सपोर्ट करता है और शरीर से वसा को कम करने में मदद करता है।
  • त्रिफला (आंवला, हरितकी, बिभीतकी): तीन फलों का यह मिश्रण पाचन को उत्तेजित करता है, शरीर को शुद्ध करता है और मेटाबॉलिज़्म को बढ़ाता है।
  • अदरक (Zingiber officinale): यह प्राकृतिक पाचन सहायक है, जो मेटाबॉलिज़्म को बेहतर बनाने और वजन को नियंत्रित करने में मदद करता है।
  • पिप्पली (Piper longum): यह पोषक तत्वों को अवशोषित करने में मदद करता है और पाचन को सुधारता है।
  • गोक्षुरा (Tribulus terrestris): यह किडनी स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा देता है और शरीर के तरल संतुलन को नियंत्रित करता है, साथ ही वजन घटाने में मदद करता है।

मुख्य लाभ:

  • वजन प्रबंधन में सहायता: यह शरीर की वसा को घटाने में मदद करता है, खासकर पेट के आसपास, मेटाबॉलिज़्म को स्वस्थ बनाए रखने के लिए।
  • पाचन और विषाक्त पदार्थों को हटाने में मदद: यह पाचन क्रिया को बेहतर बनाता है और शरीर से विषाक्त पदार्थों को निकालने में मदद करता है।
  • वसा जलने को बढ़ावा देता है: शरीर में वसा जलाने की क्षमता को स्वाभाविक रूप से बढ़ाता है।
  • समग्र स्वास्थ्य में सुधार: यह शरीर के प्रमुख प्रणालियों का समर्थन करता है और वसा संचय के जोखिम को कम करता है।

उपयोग करने की दिशा:

  • भोजन के बाद 1-2 गोलियाँ दिन में दो बार लें।
  • बेहतर अवशोषण के लिए पूरे दिन में पर्याप्त पानी पियें।
  • बेहतर परिणाम के लिए संतुलित आहार और सक्रिय जीवनशैली बनाए रखें।


  • गर्भवती या स्तनपान कराने वाली महिलाओं को डॉक्टर की सलाह के बिना इसका उपयोग नहीं करना चाहिए।
  • जिन लोगों को पूर्व में कोई चिकित्सा स्थिति हो, वे इसका उपयोग करने से पहले डॉक्टर से परामर्श करें।
Thu, 05 Dec 2024 23:10:31 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Dhootapapeshwar MedhaSagar Rasa 30 Tablets https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dhootapapeshwar-medhasagar-rasa-30-tablets-2896 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dhootapapeshwar-medhasagar-rasa-30-tablets-2896

✔ Price: 2,115

Dhootapapeshwar MedhaSagar Rasa 30 Tablets: Overview

Key Ingredients: Dhootapapeshwar MedhaSagar Rasa tablets are composed of several traditional Ayurvedic ingredients, carefully selected to support mental wellness and cognitive function. The primary ingredients include:

  • Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri): Known for its cognitive-enhancing properties, it helps improve memory and concentration.
  • Shankhapushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis): Used to promote mental clarity, reduce anxiety, and support cognitive function.
  • Vacha (Acorus calamus): Supports clarity of thought and improves memory.
  • Haritaki (Terminalia chebula): Known for its detoxifying properties, it also supports overall brain health.
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): Helps in reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and improving mental endurance.
  • Other herbal ingredients: A blend of other herbs that further support mental health and balance.

About Dhootapapeshwar MedhaSagar Rasa Tablet: MedhaSagar Rasa by Dhootapapeshwar is an Ayurvedic formulation designed to support cognitive functions, enhance mental sharpness, and promote emotional balance. The tablet combines potent herbal extracts, which are known to enhance memory, reduce stress, and improve focus and concentration. It is an ideal supplement for individuals looking to support mental clarity, reduce anxiety, and improve overall brain health in a natural and holistic manner.


  • Supports memory and cognitive functions
  • Reduces mental fatigue and improves focus
  • Enhances concentration and learning ability
  • Promotes relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety
  • Aids in improving mental clarity and emotional balance
  • Useful for individuals dealing with stress or mental exhaustion

Key Benefits:

  • Cognitive Enhancement: MedhaSagar Rasa aids in improving memory, concentration, and cognitive functions, making it beneficial for students and professionals.
  • Mental Wellness: The blend of herbs in this formulation helps to promote mental clarity and emotional balance, which can help in reducing stress.
  • Stress Reduction: It helps to manage anxiety and reduce stress, contributing to an overall sense of well-being.
  • Holistic Support: Aids in detoxification and supports overall brain health, which can help in increasing mental endurance and preventing cognitive decline.


  • Recommended Dosage: Typically, 1–2 tablets, taken twice a day, after meals or as directed by an Ayurvedic practitioner.
  • Duration: For optimal results, it is advised to continue the course for at least 2–3 months, depending on individual requirements.

Safety Information:

  • Consult a healthcare provider before starting this supplement, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have any existing health conditions.
  • Avoid overdose: Stick to the recommended dosage.
  • Side Effects: Generally considered safe when taken as directed. However, any discomfort or adverse reactions should be addressed by a healthcare professional.
  • Storage: Keep the product in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture.

Conclusion: Dhootapapeshwar MedhaSagar Rasa is a holistic Ayurvedic remedy aimed at improving brain health, reducing stress, and enhancing cognitive functions. It is beneficial for individuals looking to naturally support their mental well-being and cognitive abilities.

Mon, 02 Dec 2024 17:28:50 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Ayurdaanta Herbs - Rumi Mastangi | Roomi Mastangi | Pistacia Lenticus |Mastic Gum | रुमा मसतंगी | रूमी मसतंगी https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-rumi-mastangi-roomi-mastangi-pistacia-lenticus-mastic-gum-रुमा-मसतंगी-रूमी-मसतंगी-2895 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-rumi-mastangi-roomi-mastangi-pistacia-lenticus-mastic-gum-रुमा-मसतंगी-रूमी-मसतंगी-2895

✔ Price: 719

Rumi Mastangi, also known as Mastagi or Mastagi Rumi, is a traditional herbal remedy mentioned in various Ayurvedic texts. It’s not a single herb but refers to a mix of various ingredients, typically formulated as part of Ayurvedic medicine. The blend is known for its potent properties, including its ability to aid in digestion, improve mental clarity, and support overall well-being.

Uses and Benefits of Rumi Mastangi

  1. Improves Digestion:

    • Rumi Mastangi is commonly used as a digestive aid in Ayurveda. It is believed to enhance appetite and promote better digestion, making it useful for people with digestive issues such as bloating, indigestion, and constipation.
  2. Boosts Energy Levels:

    • Regular use of Rumi Mastangi can increase vitality and energy. It may help combat fatigue and improve stamina by balancing the body’s internal systems.
  3. Supports Cognitive Health:

    • Some versions of Rumi Mastangi include ingredients that are thought to have neuroprotective benefits. These ingredients can improve focus, memory, and mental clarity, making it beneficial for those who need to boost cognitive function.
  4. Reduces Stress and Anxiety:

    • Certain herbs included in the formulation of Rumi Mastangi are considered adaptogens. Adaptogenic herbs help the body to cope with stress and balance the nervous system, thus reducing anxiety and supporting mental wellness.
  5. Anti-inflammatory Properties:

    • The ingredients in Rumi Mastangi may help reduce inflammation, which can aid in the relief of joint pain, muscle stiffness, and other inflammatory conditions.
  6. Supports Skin Health:

    • Some variations of Mastagi are also used in skin care, where it is thought to improve complexion and reduce skin irritation.
  7. Promotes Respiratory Health:

    • The herbal blend is sometimes used for respiratory support, easing symptoms of asthma or bronchitis due to its possible anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties.

How to Use Rumi Mastangi

  1. As a Powder:

    • Rumi Mastangi is typically available in powder form. The recommended dosage can vary depending on the specific formulation and manufacturer, but it is commonly taken with warm water or milk.
    • Dosage: Generally, 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon (depending on the potency) can be taken once or twice daily. Always follow the instructions provided on the packaging or consult with a healthcare provider.
  2. As a Decoction:

    • You can make a decoction by boiling the powder in water and then straining it before consumption. This may help release the medicinal properties more effectively.
  3. With Honey:

    • Sometimes, Rumi Mastangi is mixed with honey to enhance its taste and additional benefits. Honey also has its own therapeutic properties, such as acting as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent.
  4. Capsules or Tablets:

    • Some formulations come in capsule or tablet form, which may be more convenient for daily use. The dosage of these forms typically ranges from 1-2 capsules per day, depending on the concentration.


  • Consult a Healthcare Professional: Before using Rumi Mastangi or any other herbal product, it’s important to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare provider, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or on medication.
  • Possible Allergies: As it is made from a blend of herbs, make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients.
  • Dosage: Stick to the recommended dosage to avoid any potential side effects.


Rumi Mastangi is an Ayurvedic formulation with a range of potential benefits, especially for digestive health, energy, and mental clarity. As with any herbal remedy, it’s crucial to follow recommended guidelines for use and consult a healthcare provider if you have any underlying health conditions.

Thu, 28 Nov 2024 15:45:36 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Hamdard-Barshasha 60Gr https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/hamdard-barshasha-60gr-2893 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/hamdard-barshasha-60gr-2893

✔ Price: 389

Hamdard Barshasha is a natural remedy designed to support respiratory health and offer relief from common cold symptoms, persistent coughing, frequent sneezing, and catarrh. This formulation is a blend of traditional herbal ingredients, each carefully selected for its ability to promote clearer breathing and alleviate congestion in the respiratory system.

Key Ingredients:

  • Filfil Siyah (Black Pepper): Known for its warming properties, it helps stimulate circulation and promotes respiratory function.
  • Ajwain Khurasani (Black Henbane): Used for its calming effects on the respiratory system, it can relieve cough and clear the airways.
  • Filfil Safaid (White Pepper): Aids in promoting digestion and improving breathing by helping to expel excess mucus.
  • Afyun (Opium Poppy): Traditionally used to alleviate pain and support a calm, relaxed respiratory system.
  • Zafran (Saffron): Known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it supports overall respiratory health.
  • Sumbul-ut-Teeb (Spikenard): Helps calm the nervous system and is useful in clearing nasal congestion.
  • Aqarqarha (Spanish Acar): Aids in soothing the throat and respiratory passage, reducing irritation.
  • Farfiyun (Euphorbia resinifera): Known for its ability to help clear mucus and ease breathing.
  • Shahad (Honey): A natural soother that provides relief from throat irritation and enhances the effects of other ingredients.

Key Benefits:

  • Helps manage symptoms of cold, cough, and mucolytic issues
  • Reduces excess mucus, relieves congestion, and eases breathing
  • Helps prevent allergic reactions, sneezing, and dry cough
  • Supports the prevention of bronchitis and other respiratory ailments
  • Aids in liquefying mucus, which makes it easier to expel
  • Promotes overall respiratory health and well-being

Directions for Use:
Take 1 gram of Barshasha at bedtime with water for best results.

Safety Information:

  • Store in a cool, dry place
  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight
  • Keep out of reach of children

Thu, 07 Nov 2024 19:54:54 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Sharmayu - Swarna Kesari Chyawanprash 1 Kg (With Gold & Kashmiri Keshar ) https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/sharmayu-swarna-kesari-chyawanprash-1-kg-with-gold-kashmiri-keshar-2892 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/sharmayu-swarna-kesari-chyawanprash-1-kg-with-gold-kashmiri-keshar-2892

✔ Price: 940

Sharmayu Swarna Kesari Chyawanprash 1 Kg

Sharmayu Swarna Kesari Chyawanprash is a premium, Ayurvedic health supplement designed to rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit. Infused with the goodness of pure gold (Swarna), saffron (Kesari), and a blend of powerful herbs, this traditional formula supports overall wellness. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and essential minerals, it helps enhance immunity, improve digestion, and boost vitality.

This Chyawanprash is known for its ability to help detoxify the body, increase energy, and promote healthy skin. Its natural ingredients have been carefully selected to provide a holistic approach to health, making it an ideal choice for individuals seeking to enhance their physical and mental performance. Whether you're looking to improve immunity, reduce stress, or maintain youthful vitality, Sharmayu Swarna Kesari Chyawanprash is your go-to solution.

Key Benefits:

  • Boosts Immunity: Strengthens the body’s natural defenses to fight infections and illnesses.
  • Increases Energy: Provides a natural boost of stamina and endurance for daily activities.
  • Enhances Digestion: Supports digestive health, reduces acidity, and aids in detoxification.
  • Improves Skin Health: Promotes radiant, glowing skin and helps combat signs of aging.
  • Boosts Cognitive Function: Enhances memory, concentration, and mental clarity.

How to Use:
Take 1 to 2 teaspoons of Sharmayu Swarna Kesari Chyawanprash daily, preferably with warm milk or water. For best results, consume it in the morning or before bed.

शर्मायु स्वर्ण केसरी च्यवनप्राश 1 किग्रा

शर्मायु स्वर्ण केसरी च्यवनप्राश एक प्रीमियम आयुर्वेदिक स्वास्थ्य सप्लीमेंट है, जिसे शरीर, मस्तिष्क और आत्मा को पुनः जीवित करने के लिए तैयार किया गया है। इसमें शुद्ध स्वर्ण (सोन) और केसर (केसरी) के साथ-साथ शक्तिशाली जड़ी-बूटियों का मिश्रण है, जो समग्र स्वास्थ्य का समर्थन करता है। यह च्यवनप्राश एंटीऑक्सीडेंट्स, विटामिन्स और आवश्यक खनिजों से भरपूर है, जो प्रतिरक्षा को बढ़ाने, पाचन को सुधारने और जीवन शक्ति को बढ़ाने में मदद करता है।

यह च्यवनप्राश शरीर को विषाक्त पदार्थों से मुक्त करने, ऊर्जा बढ़ाने और स्वस्थ त्वचा को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। इसके प्राकृतिक तत्वों का चयन स्वास्थ्य के एक समग्र दृष्टिकोण को ध्यान में रखते हुए किया गया है, जिससे यह शारीरिक और मानसिक प्रदर्शन को बढ़ाने के इच्छुक व्यक्तियों के लिए आदर्श है। यदि आप अपनी इम्यूनिटी को सुधारने, तनाव को कम करने या युवा जीवन शक्ति को बनाए रखने के लिए कुछ ढूंढ रहे हैं, तो शर्मायु स्वर्ण केसरी च्यवनप्राश आपके लिए एक बेहतरीन समाधान है।

मुख्य लाभ:

  • प्रतिरक्षा को बढ़ाता है: शरीर की प्राकृतिक रक्षा प्रणाली को मजबूत करता है, जिससे संक्रमण और बीमारियों से बचाव होता है।
  • ऊर्जा बढ़ाता है: दैनिक कार्यों के लिए प्राकृतिक ऊर्जा और सहनशक्ति प्रदान करता है।
  • पाचन में सुधार करता है: पाचन स्वास्थ्य का समर्थन करता है, अम्लता को कम करता है और विषाक्त पदार्थों को बाहर निकालने में मदद करता है।
  • त्वचा स्वास्थ्य में सुधार: त्वचा को निखारता है, और उम्र बढ़ने के लक्षणों से लड़ने में मदद करता है।
  • मानसिक कार्यक्षमता बढ़ाता है: याददाश्त, एकाग्रता और मानसिक स्पष्टता को बढ़ाता है।

उपयोग विधि:
शर्मायु स्वर्ण केसरी च्यवनप्राश के 1 से 2 चम्मच रोज़ाना, गर्म दूध या पानी के साथ लें। सर्वोत्तम परिणामों के लिए इसे सुबह या सोने से पहले सेवन करें।

Wed, 06 Nov 2024 18:22:26 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Ayurdaanta Herbs -Super Natural Herbal Man,s & Woman's Fertility & Sperm Count Boost Sexual Wellness & Health Booster Combo of 8 Herbs - Safed Musli 100Gr | Ashwagandha 100Gr | Gokhru Bada 100Gr| Neplai Pili Sitawar 100Gr | Safed Kaunch Beej 100Gr | Salam Panja Irani 50Gr | Salab Mishri 50Gr | Irani Akarkara 25Gr | सफेद मुसली 100Gr अश्वगंधा 100Gr गोखरू बड़ा 100Gr नेपाली पीली सितावर 100Gr सफेद कौंच बीज 100Gr सलाम पंजा इरानी 50Gr सालब मिश्री 50Gr ईरानी अकरकरा 25Gr https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-super-natural-herbal-mans-womans-fertility-sperm-count-boost-sexual-wellness-health-booster-combo-of-8-herbs-safed-musli-100gr-ashwagandha-100gr-gokhru-bada-100gr-neplai-pili-sitawar https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-super-natural-herbal-mans-womans-fertility-sperm-count-boost-sexual-wellness-health-booster-combo-of-8-herbs-safed-musli-100gr-ashwagandha-100gr-gokhru-bada-100gr-neplai-pili-sitawar

✔ Price: 7,989

Key Ingredients and Benefits

  1. Safed Musli (100g)

    • Uses: Aids in stress management and boosts energy levels.
    • Benefits: Enhances stamina and supports reproductive health.
    • हिंदी: तनाव प्रबंधन में मदद करता है और ऊर्जा बढ़ाता है।
  2. Ashwagandha (100g)

    • Uses: A natural adaptogen for overall wellness.
    • Benefits: Increases testosterone, improves sperm production.
    • हिंदी: टेस्टोस्टेरोन बढ़ाने और शुक्राणु उत्पादन में सुधार करता है।
  3. Gokhru Bada (100g)

    • Uses: Supports kidney health and physical performance.
    • Benefits: Boosts reproductive function.
    • हिंदी: प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ाता है।
  4. Neplai Pili Sitawar (100g)

    • Uses: Known for rejuvenating properties.
    • Benefits: Enhances stamina and reproductive health.
    • हिंदी: सहनशक्ति और प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य में सुधार करता है।
  5. Safed Kaunch Beej (100g)

    • Uses: Promotes male fertility.
    • Benefits: Increases sperm count and motility.
    • हिंदी: शुक्राणु संख्या और गतिशीलता बढ़ाता है।
  6. Salam Panja Irani (50g)

    • Uses: Vitality booster.
    • Benefits: Improves sexual function and endurance.
    • हिंदी: यौन कार्यक्षमता और सहनशक्ति को बढ़ाता है।
  7. Salab Mishri (50g)

    • Uses: Acts as a natural tonic.
    • Benefits: Supports reproductive health and libido.
    • हिंदी: प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य और यौन इच्छा का समर्थन करता है।
  8. Irani Akarkara (25g)

    • Uses: Enhances sexual health.
    • Benefits: Boosts energy and desire.
    • हिंदी: ऊर्जा और यौन इच्छा बढ़ाता है।

How to Use

  • Dosage: Take 1-2 teaspoons of the combined powders daily after meals.
  • Preparation: Mix with warm milk  honey can be added for flavor and added benefits.
  • हिंदी में उपयोग: दिन में 1-2 चम्मच मिश्रण का सेवन करें, मिश्री  मिश्रित गर्म दूध  में मिलाकर या फक्की मारकर ऊपर से दूध पिए ।

Increasing Fertility and Sperm Count

These herbs work together to boost testosterone, improve sperm quality, and enhance libido. Regular use may lead to better reproductive health and increased sexual performance.


This Ayurdaanta combo is a natural way to enhance male reproductive health. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement, especially if you have health concerns or are on medication.


यह आयुर्वेदिक मिश्रण पुरुष प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ाने का एक प्राकृतिक तरीका है। नया सप्लीमेंट शुरू करने से पहले हमेशा एक स्वास्थ्य विशेषज्ञ से सलाह लें।

Wed, 16 Oct 2024 19:49:28 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Ayurdaanta Herbs - Pili laxmi Kodi 11 | Gomti Chakra 11 | Kali Haldi 11 | Safed , Lal , Kali Gunja 11 (Gomchi / Chirmi ) | Kamalgatta 11 | Laghu Nariyal 11- Special Combo For Laxmi Pujan https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-pili-laxmi-kodi-11-gomti-chakra-11-kali-haldi-11-safed-lal-kali-gunja-11-gomchi-chirmi-kamalgatta-11-laghu-nariyal-11-special-combo-for-laxmi-pujan5253 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-pili-laxmi-kodi-11-gomti-chakra-11-kali-haldi-11-safed-lal-kali-gunja-11-gomchi-chirmi-kamalgatta-11-laghu-nariyal-11-special-combo-for-laxmi-pujan5253

✔ Price: 1,951

Ayurdaanta Herbs - Laxmi Pujan Special Combo

Discover this thoughtfully curated collection designed for your Laxmi Pujan, featuring:

  • Pili Laxmi Kodi (11 pieces): Traditional tokens that symbolize prosperity and abundance.
  • Gomti Chakra (11 pieces): Sacred symbols that elevate your spiritual rituals.
  • Kali Haldi (11 pieces): Esteemed for its auspicious qualities, perfect for blessings.
  • Gunja Varieties (11 pieces): A mix of white, red, and black gunja (gomchi/chirmi), cherished for their protective attributes.
  • Kamalgatta (11 pieces): Seeds that signify fertility and abundance in offerings.
  • Laghu Nariyal (11 pieces): Small coconuts, commonly utilized in sacred ceremonies.

This special combo creates a serene and divine ambiance, enhancing your worship experience.

Ayurdaanta Herbs - लक्ष्मी पूजन के लिए विशेष पैक
          इस खास पैक में शामिल हैं:

  • पीली लक्ष्मी कोड़ी: समृद्धि का प्रतीक।
  • गोमती चक्र: आध्यात्मिक अनुष्ठानों के लिए महत्वपूर्ण।
  • काली हल्दी: शुभता और सकारात्मकता का स्रोत।
  • गुँजा की विविधताएँ: सफेद, लाल और काली गुँजा (गोमची/चिरमी), जो रक्षा के लिए जानी जाती हैं।
  • कमलगट्टा: प्रचुरता और फलदायकता का प्रतीक।
  • लघु नारियल: पवित्र अनुष्ठानों में उपयोग होने वाले छोटे नारियल।


प्रत्येक आइटम की संख्या 11-11 है, जो आपके लक्ष्मी पूजन को और भी विशेष बनाता है।

Tue, 15 Oct 2024 18:55:29 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Ayurdaanta Herbs - Pili laxmi Kodi 11 | Gomti Chakra 11 | Kali Haldi 11 | Safed , Lal , Kali Gunja 11 (Gomchi / Chirmi ) | Kamalgatta 11 - Special Combo For Laxmi Pujan & Diwali Pujan | पीली लक्ष्मी कोड़ी | गोमती चक्र | काली हल्दी | सफेद , लाल , काली गुँजा ( गोमची , चिरमी )| कमलगट्टा - सभी के 11-11 नग - दीपावली पूजन एवं लक्ष्मी पूजन के लिये स्पेशल पेक https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-pili-laxmi-kodi-11-gomti-chakra-11-kali-haldi-11-safed-lal-kali-gunja-11-gomchi-chirmi-kamalgatta-11-laghu-nariyal-11-special-combo-for-laxmi-pujan453453 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-pili-laxmi-kodi-11-gomti-chakra-11-kali-haldi-11-safed-lal-kali-gunja-11-gomchi-chirmi-kamalgatta-11-laghu-nariyal-11-special-combo-for-laxmi-pujan453453

✔ Price: 1,521

Ayurdaanta Herbs - Special Laxmi Pujan Combo

This unique collection features:

  • Pili Laxmi Kodi (11 pieces): Traditional offerings for prosperity.
  • Gomti Chakra (11 pieces): Symbolic items that enhance spiritual rituals.
  • Kali Haldi (11 pieces): Revered for its auspicious properties.
  • Gunja Varieties (11 pieces): Includes white, red, and black gunja (gomchi/chirmi), known for their protective qualities.
  • Kamalgatta (11 pieces): Seeds associated with abundance and fertility.
  • Laghu Nariyal (11 pieces): Small coconuts, often used in sacred ceremonies.

This special combo is thoughtfully curated for Laxmi Pujan, helping you create a divine atmosphere for worship and celebration.

Ayurdaanta Herbs - लक्ष्मी पूजन के लिए विशेष पैक

इस खास पैक में शामिल हैं:

  • पीली लक्ष्मी कोड़ी: समृद्धि का प्रतीक।
  • गोमती चक्र: आध्यात्मिक अनुष्ठानों के लिए महत्वपूर्ण।
  • काली हल्दी: शुभता और सकारात्मकता का स्रोत।
  • गुँजा की विविधताएँ: सफेद, लाल और काली गुँजा (गोमची/चिरमी), जो रक्षा के लिए जानी जाती हैं।
  • कमलगट्टा: प्रचुरता और फलदायकता का प्रतीक।
  • लघु नारियल: पवित्र अनुष्ठानों में उपयोग होने वाले छोटे नारियल।

प्रत्येक आइटम की संख्या 11-11 है, जो आपके लक्ष्मी पूजन को और भी विशेष बनाता है।

Tue, 15 Oct 2024 18:41:23 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Dhanvantari Gujrat Vasant Kusumakar Ras (S.Y.) || Useful In Diabetes & General Debilityt https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dhanvantari-gujrat-vasant-kusumakar-ras-sy-useful-in-diabetes-general-debilityt-2888 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dhanvantari-gujrat-vasant-kusumakar-ras-sy-useful-in-diabetes-general-debilityt-2888

✔ Price: 620

Dhanvantari Gujrat Vasant Kusumakar Ras

Description: Dhanvantari Gujrat Vasant Kusumakar Ras is a highly regarded Ayurvedic formulation celebrated for its rejuvenating and anti-aging properties. This versatile remedy is beneficial for various health concerns, enhancing overall vitality and wellness.

Key Benefits:

  • Rejuvenation: Known for its effectiveness in promoting longevity and youthful vitality.
  • Diabetes Management: Supports healthy blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for those managing diabetes.
  • Urinary Tract Health: Aids in treating conditions related to the urinary system, including issues like polyuria (frequent urination).
  • Cognitive Support: Enhances memory and concentration, making it useful for improving cognitive functions.
  • Skin Health: Promotes a better complexion and overall skin health.
  • Strength and Immunity: Helps boost physical strength and enhance immune function.
  • Cardiac and Liver Support: Also indicated for managing cough, cardiac disorders, and supporting liver and kidney health.

This formulation is a comprehensive health aid, addressing multiple aspects of well-being. As always, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement to ensure it fits your health needs.

Mon, 14 Oct 2024 18:50:01 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Ayurdaanta Herbs - Indigo Leaves Powder | Avuri Leaf Powder| Neela Amari| Neel Patti| Neelayamari Powder| इंडिगो पाउडर | नील पत्ती चूर्ण - Organic for Hair Colour Black https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-indigo-leaves-powder-avuri-leaf-powder-neela-amari-neel-patti-neelayamari-powder-इंडिगो-पाउडर-नील-पत्ती-चूर्ण-organic-for-hair-colour-b https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-indigo-leaves-powder-avuri-leaf-powder-neela-amari-neel-patti-neelayamari-powder-इंडिगो-पाउडर-नील-पत्ती-चूर्ण-organic-for-hair-colour-b

✔ Price: 289

Ayurdaanta Indigo Leaves Powder: Uses, Benefits, and Hair Coloring Guide

Indigo Leaves Powder from Ayurdaanta is a natural product derived from the Indigofera plant, popular for its hair dyeing properties and additional health benefits. Here's a detailed overview:


  1. Natural Hair Dye: Primarily used for coloring hair, providing shades from dark blue to black, especially when mixed with henna.
  2. Traditional Medicine: Known for its potential anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
  3. Dyeing Textiles: Historically utilized to dye fabrics, imparting a rich blue color.


  1. Chemical-Free: A natural alternative to synthetic dyes, reducing the risk of chemical damage.
  2. Hair Strengthening: May help strengthen hair, reduce breakage, and improve overall health.
  3. Scalp Health: Its antimicrobial properties can promote a healthier scalp and reduce dandruff.
  4. Enhances Hair Growth: Some users report improved thickness and growth.
  5. Deep Conditioning: Provides conditioning effects, making hair softer and more manageable.

How to Use Indigo Leaves Powder for Hair Color

Step 1: Prepare the Mixture

  • Ingredients:

    • Indigo leaves powder
    • Henna powder (optional for brown shades)
    • Water (or herbal tea for enhanced benefits)
    • Optional: Essential oils (e.g., lavender for fragrance)
  • Mixing:

    • If using henna, prepare it first according to its instructions (usually letting it sit for a few hours).
    • For indigo, mix the powder with water to form a paste. Allow it to sit for about 30 minutes.

Step 2: Application

  1. Clean Hair: Start with clean, dry hair. A mild shampoo can help remove oils and buildup.
  2. Wear Gloves: Protect your hands with gloves to avoid staining.
  3. Apply: Section your hair and apply the indigo paste evenly. Ensure complete coverage for uniform coloring.
  4. Wrap: Cover your hair with a shower cap or plastic wrap to keep the paste moist.

Step 3: Leave It On

  • Timing: Let the mixture sit for 1-2 hours. The longer it stays, the darker the result.

Step 4: Rinse

  1. Thoroughly Rinse: Use lukewarm water to rinse out the paste until the water runs clear. Avoid shampooing for 24-48 hours to let the color set.

Step 5: Aftercare

  • Use sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners to maintain color and nourish your hair.

Additional Tips

  • Patch Test: Always conduct a patch test on a small section of hair or skin to check for allergies.
  • Color Variation: The final shade may vary based on your original hair color and the ratio of indigo to henna used.

Using Ayurdaanta Indigo Leaves Powder can be a wonderful way to enhance your hair color naturally while promoting its overall health. Enjoy your journey to beautiful, vibrant hair!

Tue, 01 Oct 2024 16:08:19 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Unjha Rajawadi Amrit Rasayan (Sugar Free) – 825Gm https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/unjha-rajawadi-amrit-rasayan-sugar-free-825gm-2885 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/unjha-rajawadi-amrit-rasayan-sugar-free-825gm-2885

✔ Price: 885

Unjha Rajawadi Amrit Rasayan sugar free is an Ayurvedic supplement that promotes overall health and well-being. This sugar-free formula is made from a blend of natural herbs and fruits that are known for their rejuvenating properties. It helps to boost immunity, improve digestion, and enhance mental clarity. It is suitable for adults and children and can be taken daily for optimal benefits. This is a natural and safe alternative to synthetic supplements and is free from preservatives and chemicals. It’s also free from sugar, making it a great choice for people who are looking for a natural health supplement with no added sugar.

Tue, 01 Oct 2024 15:34:33 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Unjha Rajashahi Amrit Rasayan 825Gm(Rajashahi Shakti Rasayan – 150Gm Free) https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/unjha-rajashahi-chyawanprash-900g-free-rajwadi-450g-2884 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/unjha-rajashahi-chyawanprash-900g-free-rajwadi-450g-2884

✔ Price: 1,150

Ingredients Name Botanical Name Part Use Reference Qty.
Fried Amla Pulp Phyllanthus Embelica Fruit Pulp A.B. 29.40 %
Piper Piper Longum Fruit A.B. 1.20 %
Satavari Asparagus Racemosus Root A.B. 0.60 %
Liquid Kesar Crocus Sativus Style And Stigma A.B. 0.13 %
Elaichi Oil Elettaria Cardamomum Fruit A.B. 0.070 %
Safed Musli Asparagus Adscendense Root A.B. 0.04 %
Mandur Bhasma —————- ———— R.T.S. 0.020 %
Bang Bhasma ———————- ———- R.T.S.P. 0.010 %
Mukta Sukti Pishti ———————- ———- R.T.S. 0.01 %
Suvarna Bhasma ————————- ————— B.B.R. 0.001 %
Purna Chandroday Rasa (Suvarna Yukt ) ——————- ——————- B.B.R. 0.36 %
Hira Bhasma ——————— ————– A.S.S. 0.001 %
Shuddh Shilajit Asphaltum Punjabinum Exudate A.B. 0.001 %
Chandi Varakh Arjentinum ————- B.B.R. 0.001 %
Approved Colour Orange Yellow Fcf ——————— ——————– ————– 0.1 %
Sugar Base ——————— —————— ————- Q.S.
Preservatives Q.S.

Rejuvenation and revitalizing the body has become a very important step toward a healthy life in today’s hectic life style. Chyawanprash is a delicious traditional indian food supplement made from fruit, spices, herbs, minerals, ghee, sugar candy and honey. Being natural and safe for all age groups. UNJHA PHARMACY has come up with a unique product, known as the Rajashahi chyawanprash.

Regular consumption of Rajashahi chyawanprash keeps your family healthy so that they can stay protected from illness and be ready to face tomorrows challenges effectively. It is prepared with many herbs , spices, minerals etc. which is beneficial to health.

Rajashahi chyawanprash has green amla as the main ingredients and other potent herbs and minerals that boost the immunity of the body and make it resistant to common infections. Its regular consumption improves stress tolerance , enhance overall strength and energy, supports digestive system, improves memory and encourages brain functions, aids in purification of blood and in elimination of toxic elements from the body and fights with respiratory issues and also aids lung functioning to an extent. It is also a powerful anti-oxidant.

RAJASHAHI CHYAWANPRASH – It improves immune function and to support the body’s natural ability to fight illnesses.

RAJASHAHI CHYAWANPRASH – helps improve respiratory health and digestive functions.

RAJASHAHI CHYAWANPRASH –  good for improving vigour , vitality and delays the aging process due to its anti – oxidant properties.

RAJASHAHI CHYAWANPRASH –  it is having balya, vajikarakand  rasayan property.

Tue, 01 Oct 2024 15:18:21 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Ayurdaanta Herbs - Choti Harad | Haritaki |Choti Harde | Choti Harr |Terminalia Chebula| Kadukkai | Karakkaya| Myrobalan - Choti Harade Powder|हरीतकी | छोटी हर्र | छोटी हरड़- for Eating helps to remove toxins & undigested materials from body as mild laxative & helps digestion https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-choti-harad-haritaki-choti-harde-choti-harr-terminalia-chebula-kadukkai-karakkaya-myrobalan-choti-harade-powderहरीतकी-छोटी-हर्र-छोटी-हरड़-for- https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-choti-harad-haritaki-choti-harde-choti-harr-terminalia-chebula-kadukkai-karakkaya-myrobalan-choti-harade-powderहरीतकी-छोटी-हर्र-छोटी-हरड़-for-

✔ Price: 1,000

 for Eating helps to remove toxins & undigested materials from body as mild laxative & helps digestion

Fri, 20 Sep 2024 16:16:38 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Dhootapapeshwar Standard Suvarna Bhasma, 500mg https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dhootapapeshwar-standard-suvarna-bhasma-500mg-2878 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dhootapapeshwar-standard-suvarna-bhasma-500mg-2878

✔ Price: 2,851


Dhootapapeshwar Svarna Bhasma Suvarnakalpa Powder is made with gold bhasma. This Suvarnakalpa product is useful in maintaining a healthy functioning of the heart. It also helps to provide stomach care and facilitates the smooth working of the digestive system.

Key Benefits

  • It can to provide respiratory care and promote ease of breathing.
  • Helps to strenghten bones, joints and muscles.
  • It can help to improve the functioning of the stomach.
  • Helps to improve the overall wellbeing of the person.
  • Can help to relieve digestive care.
  • It may help to provide cardiac care.
  • Works like a rasayan, balya.
  • Ojovardhak in jeerna kosha, in other words, helps smooth functioning of the digestive system.

Directions for Use

  • Use under medical supervision.

Safety Information

  • Read the label careully before use.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Store the tonic in a cool & dark place, away from direct sunlight.
  • Seek medical advice before using.

Key Ingredients

Shuddha Suvarna, Shuddha Parad, Shuddha Gandhak, Nimbu Swarasa.

Wed, 11 Sep 2024 19:37:14 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
SHARMAYU Swarn Kalpamrit Avleha 500 gm + 100 gm https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/sharmayu-swarn-kalpamrit-avleha-500-gm-100-gm-2877 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/sharmayu-swarn-kalpamrit-avleha-500-gm-100-gm-2877

✔ Price: 2,395

SHARMAYU Swarn Kalpamrit Avleha - 500 gm + 100 gm


SHARMAYU Swarn Kalpamrit Avleha is an exclusive Ayurvedic formulation designed to promote overall health and vitality. Crafted using a blend of potent herbs and the rare ingredient, Swarna Bhasma (gold ash), this Avleha offers a comprehensive approach to enhancing physical strength, mental clarity, and immunity. Rooted in ancient Ayurvedic wisdom, it provides nourishment to the body and mind, ensuring balance and rejuvenation.


Each pack contains a total of 600 grams of Swarn Kalpamrit Avleha, divided into:

  • 500 gm of the main Avleha
  • 100 gm as an additional supplement

How to Use:

  • Take 1-2 teaspoons of SHARMAYU Swarn Kalpamrit Avleha twice daily, preferably after meals or as directed by a healthcare professional.
  • Mix the Avleha with warm water, milk, or honey to enhance its taste and effectiveness.


  • Adults: 1-2 teaspoons, twice daily.
  • Children: Consult with a healthcare professional for the correct dosage based on age and condition.


  • Boosts Immunity: The powerful herbs and Swarna Bhasma work together to strengthen the immune system, making the body more resilient to infections.
  • Enhances Energy and Vitality: Regular consumption supports overall energy levels, helping you feel more energized throughout the day.
  • Improves Mental Clarity: Known for its rejuvenating properties, this formulation helps improve focus and mental sharpness.
  • Promotes Healthy Digestion: The Ayurvedic ingredients aid in digestion and ensure better absorption of nutrients.
  • Supports Skin Health: With its detoxifying and nourishing qualities, it helps promote healthy, glowing skin.
  • Revitalizes the Body: Ideal for those feeling fatigued or weak, as it helps restore vitality and strength.

Key Ingredients:

  • Swarna Bhasma (Gold Ash): Known for its rejuvenating and healing properties, it helps strengthen the body, improve immunity, and promote overall well-being.
  • Ashwagandha: A renowned adaptogen that helps combat stress, improve stamina, and enhance mental clarity.
  • Shatavari: Supports reproductive health and acts as a natural tonic for women.
  • Guduchi: Known for its immune-boosting and detoxifying properties.
  • Ginger: Aids in digestion and has anti-inflammatory benefits.


  • Weakness or fatigue
  • Low immunity or frequent infections
  • Stress and mental fatigue
  • Skin issues or dull complexion
  • Digestive imbalances

Key Benefits:

  • Supports immune health and provides resistance against seasonal illnesses.
  • Improves energy levels and helps fight fatigue and weakness.
  • Enhances cognitive functions, aiding in better focus and concentration.
  • Promotes healthy skin by detoxifying the body and supporting skin renewal.
  • Balances the digestive system, promoting better absorption of nutrients

Wed, 11 Sep 2024 19:04:42 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Dindayal Aushadhi 303 Rasayanam - Restorative and Revitalizing Tonic 650Gr. https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dindayal-aushadhi-303-rasayanam-restorative-and-revitalizing-tonic-650gr-2876 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dindayal-aushadhi-303-rasayanam-restorative-and-revitalizing-tonic-650gr-2876

✔ Price: 3,003

Information about Dindayal 303 Rasayanam

Dindayal 303 Rasayanam is a restorative and revitalising tonic. Powered with Heerak bhashma and gold, it is a daily health tonic to restore and revitalise the body and mind. This combination helps improve longevity and quality of life. This is naturally sweetened with the goodness of jaggery and anjeer. Power of Goghritha (cow's ghee) nuts and dry fruits used for centuries to improve physical and mental health. They offer many nutritional benefits and act as a tonic for the brain and nerves.

Key Ingredients:
  • Heerak bhashma
  • Shuddha shilajit
  • Ashwagandha
  • Safed musli
  • Fresh amla
  • Kashmiri kesar
  • Brahmi

Key Benefits:
  • It is imbued with powerful cardioprotective, anti-ageing, immunomodulatory and rejuvenating properties
  • Rasayanam is a restorative and revitalising tonic that helps to increase stamina and restores vigour and vitality
  • Promotes healthy functioning of the nervous system, helps build good health and immunity
  • Helps maintain youthfulness, reduces stress, sharpens memory and prevents any major illness

Directions For Use:
1 teaspoonful (10gm) twice a day, preferably with milk or as directed by a physician.

Safety Information:
  • Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight
  • Keep away from children
  • Do not use if the seal is damaged or missing
  • Read the label carefully before use

Wed, 11 Sep 2024 18:53:12 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Sharmayu Medohar Guggulu, 120 Tabs. https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/sharmayu-medohar-guggulu-120-tabs-2875 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/sharmayu-medohar-guggulu-120-tabs-2875

✔ Price: 219

Composition: Each Tablet contains: Sunthi, Kali mirch, Pippali, Chitrakmool, Nagarmotha, Haritaki, Bibhitakai, Amalki, Medohar Guggulu Vaividang, each 27.7mg, Shuddha Guggulu 249 .30mg, Excipients – Q. S.

Dosages: 2-2 Tablets twice a day with lukewarm water or as directed by the Physician.

For Batter Results in Obesity: Take 2-2 tabs Kanchnar Guggulu, along with Mahamanjishthdyarisht 4-4 teaspoonful with equal quantity of water, after each principal meals. In Hypercholesterolemia:- Take Arjunarishta 4-4 teaspoonful with equal qty. of water along with Medohar Guggulu 2-2 tabs twice daily after meals. In Liver Disorders:- Take Arogyavardhini bati 2-2 tabs Livforte tablet 1-1 tabs & Livforte syrup 2-2 teaspoonful twice daily after each meals.

Do’s: Low-calorie diet, green vegetables, plenty of water, fibre rich food, salad etc.

Don’t’s: Avoid sweets & fatty milk products, Alcohol, rice, potato, cold drink, salty & spicy food products, day sleeping etc.

Wed, 11 Sep 2024 18:40:13 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
UNJHA PHARMACY CARSONA 30capsule https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/unjha-pharmacy-carsona-30capsule-2874 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/unjha-pharmacy-carsona-30capsule-2874

✔ Price: 951


Unjha Carsona Capsule Indications:

  • Effectively checks the abnormal tissue neoplasm.
  • Promotes immunity and restores energy.
  • Helps to heal chronic wounds and gangrene.
  • Checks degeneration and maintains a positive balance of the body.


Unjha Carsona Capsules contains Hirak Bhasma, Abhrak Bhasma sahasraputi, Swarna Bhasma, Ras Sindur, Punarnava Ghan, Saragava Ghan, Vayavarun Ghan, Rohitak Ghan, Yasthimadhu Ghan, Galo Ghan, Ardusi Ghan, Haldi, Swet Piper, Sarsav Pan, Laving.

Unjha Carsona Capsule Dose:

1-2 capsules twice a day with milk or as directed by an Ayurvedic Physician.
Wed, 11 Sep 2024 17:32:58 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Dabur Brihat Vatgajankush Ras (With Gold) 10tab https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dabur-brihat-vatgajankush-ras-with-gold-10tab-2873 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dabur-brihat-vatgajankush-ras-with-gold-10tab-2873

✔ Price: 990

Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras Information

Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras Information

Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras is an ayurvedic medicine that is primarily used for the treatment of Paralysis. Secondary and off-label uses of Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras have also been mentioned below. The key ingredients of Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras are Agnimantha, Trikatu, Ras Sindoor, Swarna Makshika Bhasma. The properties of which have been shared below. The correct dosage of Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras depends on the patient's age, gender, and medical history. This information has been provided in detail in the dosage section.

Ingredients of Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras

  • A drug or an agent that reduces pain without causing loss of consciousness.
  • Substances used to reduce the symptoms of fever, pain and swelling in an inflammatory response.
Ras Sindoor
  • Agents that help to maintain a state of homeostasis in the body and regulate body functions during stress and weakness
Swarna Makshika Bhasma
  • Drugs that help regularize heart rhythms and prevent arrhythmia.

Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras Benefits

Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras is used to treat the following -

Other Benefits

Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras Dosage

This is the usual dosage recommended in most common treatment cases. Please remember that every patient and their case is different, so the dosage can be different based on the disease, route of administration, patient's age and medical history.

Age Group Dosage
  • General: Use prescribed amount
  • Before or After Meal: Either
  • Single Maximum Dose: 125 mg
  • Dosage Form: Ras Rasayan
  • Dosage Route: Oral
  • Frequency: BID (twice daily)
  • Course Duration: 1 months
  • General: Use prescribed amount
  • Before or After Meal: Either
  • Single Maximum Dose: 125 mg
  • Dosage Form: Ras Rasayan
  • Dosage Route: Oral
  • Frequency: BID (twice daily)
  • Course Duration: 1 months

Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras Side Effects

No side effects of Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras have been reported in the medical literature. However, you should always consult your doctor before using Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras.

Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras Related Warnings

  • Is the use of Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras safe for pregnant women?

    The effect of Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras on pregnant women is unknown because research on this has not been done yet.

  • Is the use of Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras safe during breastfeeding?

    Side effects of Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras for breastfeeding women are not known. This is because research work on this has not been done.

  • What is the effect of Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras on the stomach?

    The side effects of Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras on the stomach are unknown because research on this has not been conducted yet.

  • Is the use of Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras safe for children?

    Side effects of Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras on children are not known because scientific research on this topic hasn't been done.

  • Can I take Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras with alcohol?

    It is difficult to say anything about the effect of Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras and alcohol. No research has been done on this.

  • Does Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras cause drowsiness?

    It is safe to drive or work after taking Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras as it does not make you drowsy.

  • Is this Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras habit forming or addictive?

    Regular use of Dabur Vat Gajankush Ras does not lead to addiction.

Wed, 11 Sep 2024 17:19:21 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Ayurdaanta Herbs - Bawchi Seed Powder| Babchi Powder | Baochi Powder | Bawchi Seeds Powder | Bauchi Seeds Powder| Bawchi Powder | Bakuchi Powder| Psoralea Corylifolia Powder | बावची बीज चूर्ण | बाकची बीज चूर्ण | बाकुची बीज चूर्ण- FOR SKIN DESEAS & LUKODARMA (WHITE SPOT) सफेद दाग -100% Pure & Natural - https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-bawchi-seed-powder-babchi-powder-baochi-powder-bawchi-seeds-powder-bauchi-seeds-powder-bawchi-powder-bakuchi-powder-psoralea-corylifolia-powder-बावची-बीज-चूर्- https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-bawchi-seed-powder-babchi-powder-baochi-powder-bawchi-seeds-powder-bauchi-seeds-powder-bawchi-powder-bakuchi-powder-psoralea-corylifolia-powder-बावची-बीज-चूर्-

✔ Price: 419

Ayurdaanta Herbs - Bawchi Seed Powder
is an herbal supplement derived from the seeds of the Bawchi plant (Eclipta alba). Known for its use in traditional medicine, particularly Ayurveda, Bawchi Seed Powder is valued for a variety of health benefits, including its potential to help with skin conditions like safed daag (white patches) and other health issues.


Bawchi (Eclipta alba) is a herb that has been used in traditional medicine systems for centuries. The seeds are ground into a fine powder and are known for their various therapeutic properties. Bawchi is particularly noted for its potential benefits in supporting skin health and overall wellness.

Uses and Benefits

1. For Safed Daag (White Patches)

  • Skin Pigmentation: Bawchi Seed Powder is traditionally used to help manage skin pigmentation issues, including white patches or spots. It may support the restoration of natural skin color.
  • Skin Health: The powder has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help soothe and improve skin health, potentially reducing the appearance of white patches.

Other Benefits:

  • Liver Health: Supports liver function and detoxification. It is thought to promote liver regeneration and improve overall liver health.
  • Hair Health: May aid in stimulating hair growth and improving overall hair health. Bawchi is sometimes used in hair care products for its potential to reduce hair loss and dandruff.
  • Digestive Health: Can help with digestive issues like indigestion and constipation.
  • Immune Support: Enhances immune function and may help the body combat infections and illnesses.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Reduces inflammation, which can be beneficial for various inflammatory conditions.
  • Antioxidant: Provides antioxidant protection, helping to combat oxidative stress and support overall health.

Description of Benefits

  • Pigmentation Restoration: Helps in managing skin conditions related to pigmentation, such as safed daag.
  • Skin Repair: Supports skin health and may aid in reducing skin discoloration and improving texture.
  • Liver Detoxification: Promotes a healthy liver and aids in detoxifying the body.
  • Hair Strengthening: Enhances hair strength and growth, reducing hair loss and improving scalp health.
  • Digestive Aid: Supports a healthy digestive system and alleviates digestive discomfort.
  • Immune Booster: Strengthens the immune system and helps in fighting off infections.
  • Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant: Provides protection against inflammation and oxidative stress.

How to Use

For Safed Daag (White Patches):

  1. Topical Application:

    • Preparation: Mix Bawchi Seed Powder with a carrier oil (like coconut oil, almond oil, or olive oil) or honey to create a paste.
    • Application: Apply the paste directly to the affected areas of the skin where the white patches are present.
    • Duration: Leave it on for 20-30 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.
    • Frequency: Apply 2-3 times a week for best results.
  2. Oral Use:

    • Dosage: Typically, 1-2 teaspoons (about 3-5 grams) per day.
    • Preparation: Mix the powder with warm water, milk, or blend it into smoothies.
    • Frequency: Consume daily to support overall skin health and wellness.

For Other Uses:

  1. For Liver Health:

    • Dosage: 1-2 teaspoons per day.
    • Preparation: Mix with warm water or milk.
    • Frequency: Daily.
  2. For Hair Health:

    • Topical Application: Mix with oil and apply to the scalp, leave on for 30 minutes, then wash out.
  3. For Digestive Health:

    • Dosage: 1-2 teaspoons daily, mixed with water or milk.
  4. For Immune Support and Overall Wellness:

    • Dosage: 1-2 teaspoons per day, taken with water or milk.


  • Allergies: Ensure no allergy or sensitivity to Bawchi before use.
  • Skin Sensitivity: Perform a patch test before applying topically.
  • Consultation: Consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you have health conditions or are taking medications.

Additional Tips

  • Consistency: Regular use is important for seeing potential benefits.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: Complement the use of Bawchi Seed Powder with a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle for optimal results.

Bawchi Seed Powder from Ayurdaanta Herbs can be a valuable addition to your wellness routine, offering benefits for skin health, liver function, and overall vitality. Always consider personalized advice from healthcare professionals to ensure it aligns with your individual health needs.

Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:29:20 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Ayurdaanta Herbs - Super Strength Herbal Combo For General Wellness & Bodybuilding & Athletes Strength - Babool Gond 100Gr , Safed Musli 100Gr , Ashwagandha 100Gr , Sitawar Pili ( Nepali ) 100Gr https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-super-strength-herbal-combo-for-general-wellness-bodybuilding-athletes-strength-babool-gond-100gr-safed-musli-100gr-ashwagandha-100gr-sitawar-pili-nepali-100gr-2870 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-super-strength-herbal-combo-for-general-wellness-bodybuilding-athletes-strength-babool-gond-100gr-safed-musli-100gr-ashwagandha-100gr-sitawar-pili-nepali-100gr-2870

✔ Price: 1,119

Ayurdaanta Herbs' Super Strength Herbal Combo is a blend of traditional herbs designed to support general wellness, enhance bodybuilding efforts, and boost athletic strength. Here's a breakdown of the uses, benefits, description, and how to use each component:

1. Babool Gond (Acacia Arabica Gum)

Uses & Benefits:

  • Joint Health: Known for its lubricating properties, it helps support joint health and mobility.
  • Digestive Health: May aid in digestive issues and help soothe the stomach.
  • Respiratory Health: Traditionally used to alleviate coughs and respiratory issues.
  • General Strength: Enhances overall strength and stamina.

Description: Babool Gond is a resin obtained from the Acacia tree. It is sticky and often used in traditional medicine for its various health benefits.

How to Use:

  • Typically consumed as a powder or in a capsule form.
  • Commonly mixed with warm milk or water. Dosage can vary; it's best to follow product-specific guidelines or consult with a healthcare provider.

2. Safed Musli (Chlorophytum Borivilianum)

Uses & Benefits:

  • Sexual Health: Enhances libido and can improve sexual performance and stamina.
  • Bodybuilding: Supports muscle growth and recovery, making it beneficial for athletes and bodybuilders.
  • Energy Boost: Provides a natural boost in energy levels and vitality.
  • Stress Reduction: Helps in reducing stress and anxiety.

Description: Safed Musli is an herb native to India and is known for its adaptogenic properties. It is often used to increase strength and endurance.

How to Use:

  • Usually taken in powder form, capsules, or tablets.
  • Can be mixed with milk, water, or other beverages. Recommended dosage should be followed as per the product label or a healthcare professional's advice.

3. Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera)

Uses & Benefits:

  • Stress Relief: Known as an adaptogen, it helps the body manage stress.
  • Energy and Stamina: Enhances physical performance and endurance.
  • Cognitive Function: Supports mental clarity and cognitive function.
  • Immune Support: Boosts the immune system and overall wellness.

Description: Ashwagandha is a well-known adaptogen in Ayurvedic medicine, valued for its ability to support the body's resilience to stress and enhance overall vitality.

How to Use:

  • Available in powder, capsule, or tablet form.
  • Typically taken once or twice daily, with or without food. Follow specific dosage recommendations on the product label or from a healthcare provider.

4. Sitawar Pili (Nepali - Asparagus Racemosus)

Uses & Benefits:

  • Women's Health: Supports reproductive health and hormonal balance, often used in traditional medicine for female health issues.
  • Energy and Vitality: Improves overall energy levels and vitality.
  • Digestive Health: Aids in digestive health and may help with issues like indigestion.

Description: Sitawar Pili is a herb commonly used in Nepalese and Ayurvedic traditions for its supportive effects on female health and overall vitality.

How to Use:

  • Typically available in powder or capsule form.
  • Can be mixed with water, milk, or other beverages. Dosage instructions should be followed based on the product or a healthcare professional’s advice.

General Tips for Using the Combo:

  1. Dosage: Follow the dosage instructions provided with each product or consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice.
  2. Consistency: For best results, use the herbs consistently as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.
  3. Consultation: It's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.

This combination of herbs aims to provide comprehensive support for physical performance, wellness, and overall health.

Sat, 31 Aug 2024 17:51:02 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Ayurdaanta Herbs - JGS Special Awla Reetha Shikakai Shampoo 500ml ( FOR ALL KIND OF HAIR ) https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-jgs-special-awla-reetha-shikakai-shampoo-500ml-for-all-kind-of-hair-2869 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-jgs-special-awla-reetha-shikakai-shampoo-500ml-for-all-kind-of-hair-2869

✔ Price: 270

Special Awla Reetha Shikakai is a popular combination used in traditional hair care, particularly in South Asia. Here’s a detailed description, along with its uses and benefits:


Awla (Amla):

  • Scientific Name: Emblica officinalis
  • Form: Typically available in powder form, but also used in extracts or fresh.
  • Appearance: Amla is a green, round fruit with a sour taste. When dried and powdered, it’s a fine greenish-brown powder.

Reetha (Soapnut):

  • Scientific Name: Sapindus mukorossi
  • Form: Available in whole nut form, powdered form, or as extracts.
  • Appearance: Reetha is a brown, wrinkled fruit. When powdered, it appears as a brownish powder.


  • Scientific Name: Acacia concinna
  • Form: Commonly found in powdered form, but also available in whole pods or extracts.
  • Appearance: Shikakai pods are small, brown, and wrinkled. The powdered form is a fine, brownish powder.


  1. Hair Cleansing:

    • Awla, Reetha, and Shikakai are all used together to create a natural shampoo alternative. They help in cleansing the scalp and hair without stripping natural oils.
  2. Hair Conditioning:

    • The combination can also act as a conditioner. The natural saponins in Reetha provide lather, while Awla and Shikakai help to detangle and soften the hair.
  3. Scalp Health:

    • Regular use of this mix can promote a healthier scalp, potentially reducing dandruff and itching.
  4. Hair Growth:

    • These ingredients are often used with the claim that they help stimulate hair growth and strengthen hair follicles.


  1. Natural Cleansing:

    • Reetha contains natural saponins that create a lather, making it a natural soap substitute. It cleanses hair and scalp without the use of synthetic chemicals.
  2. Rich in Vitamin C:

    • Awla is very high in Vitamin C and antioxidants, which can strengthen hair and improve its health. Vitamin C helps in collagen production, which supports hair structure.
  3. Strengthens Hair:

    • Shikakai is known for its mild, gentle cleansing properties. It’s believed to strengthen hair roots and prevent hair breakage.
  4. Prevents Premature Graying:

    • Awla is often touted for its ability to prevent premature graying due to its high antioxidant content.
  5. Adds Shine:

    • Regular use of these ingredients can add a natural shine to your hair and enhance its overall appearance.
  6. Balances Scalp Oil:

    • These natural ingredients help in balancing scalp oil production, which can be beneficial for both dry and oily scalps.

How to Use:

  1. Shampoo Alternative:

    • Mix equal parts of Awla, Reetha, and Shikakai powders with water to form a paste. Apply it to wet hair, massage into the scalp, and rinse thoroughly.
  2. Conditioning Treatment:

    • Prepare a mixture of these powders with a bit of yogurt or oil to create a conditioning mask. Apply it to your hair and leave it for 20-30 minutes before rinsing.
  3. Scalp Massage:

    • For improved scalp health, you can mix the powders with a carrier oil (like coconut or almond oil) and massage it into your scalp before washing your hair.

This combination of Awla, Reetha, and Shikakai can be a great natural alternative to commercial hair care products, offering various benefits for maintaining healthy hair and scalp.

Tue, 27 Aug 2024 20:02:34 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Ayurdaanta Herbs - Special Hair Care Oil 600ml with Special Awla Reetha Shikakai Shampoo 500ml & Kutkutantak Bhasma 60 Tablet Combo Pack https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-special-hair-care-oil-600ml-with-special-awla-reetha-shikakai-shampoo-500ml-kutkutantak-bhasma-60-tablet-combo-pack-2868 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/ayurdaanta-herbs-special-hair-care-oil-600ml-with-special-awla-reetha-shikakai-shampoo-500ml-kutkutantak-bhasma-60-tablet-combo-pack-2868

✔ Price: 1,842

Ayurdaanta Herbs - Special Hair Care Oil 600ml with Special Awla Reetha Shikakai Shampoo 500ml & Kutkutantak Bhasma 60 Tablet Combo Pack

Ayurdaanta Herbs - Special Hair Care Oil 600ml


  • Rogan Badam Shirin (Sweet Almond Oil)
  • Rogan Baiza Murg (Egg Oil)
  • Rogan Awla Khas (Amla Oil)
  • Kalonji Oil (Nigella Sativa Oil)

Description (English):
Ayurdaanta Herbs Special Hair Care Oil is a powerful blend of natural oils designed to promote healthy hair and scalp. The combination of Rogan Badam Shirin, Rogan Baiza Murg, Rogan Awla Khas, and Kalonji Oil deeply nourishes and strengthens hair from root to tip. This unique formula helps in reducing hair fall, enhancing hair texture, and improving scalp health, while also promoting healthy hair growth.

Description (Hindi):
Ayurdaanta Herbs विशेष हेयर केयर ऑयल एक प्राकृतिक तेलों का मिश्रण है जो बालों और स्कैल्प को स्वास्थ्यपूर्ण बनाता है। इसमें रोहन बादाम शिरीन, रोहन बाइज़ा मुर्ग, रोहन आंवला खास और कलोंजी तेल का संयोजन बालों को जड़ से सिरे तक पोषण और मजबूती प्रदान करता है। यह मिश्रण बालों का झड़ना कम करने, बालों की बनावट सुधारने और स्कैल्प स्वास्थ्य में सुधार करने में मदद करता है, साथ ही स्वस्थ बालों के विकास को बढ़ावा देता है।

How to Use (English):
Mix all the oils together and apply generously to your scalp and hair. Gently massage it in circular motions to ensure even distribution. Leave the oil on for at least 30 minutes, or overnight for deeper nourishment. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo. For best results, use 2-3 times a week.

How to Use (Hindi):
सभी तेलों को एक साथ मिला कर, अच्छे से अपने सिर और बालों में लगाएं। इसे गोलाकार गति में हल्के से मसाज करें ताकि तेल पूरे बालों में समान रूप से फैल जाए। इसे कम से कम 30 मिनट के लिए या गहरी पोषण के लिए रातभर बालों में छोड़ दें। फिर हल्के शैम्पू से बाल धो लें। सर्वोत्तम परिणामों के लिए सप्ताह में 2-3 बार उपयोग करें।

Benefits (English):

  • Strengthens Hair: Deeply nourishes and strengthens hair follicles, making them more resilient.
  • Prevents Hair Fall: Reduces hair shedding and minimizes thinning by improving scalp health.
  • Enhances Shine & Texture: Improves hair texture, adding shine and smoothness.
  • Stimulates Hair Growth: Promotes hair growth by stimulating the scalp and nourishing hair roots.
  • Improves Scalp Health: Balances scalp oil and alleviates dryness and flakiness.

Benefits (Hindi):

  • बालों को मजबूत बनाता है: बालों की जड़ों को गहरे से पोषण देता है, जिससे वे अधिक मजबूत होते हैं।
  • बालों का झड़ना कम करता है: स्कैल्प की सेहत सुधार कर बालों के झड़ने को कम करता है।
  • चमक और बनावट में सुधार: बालों की बनावट में सुधार करता है, जिससे बालों में चमक और मुलायमियत आती है।
  • बालों का विकास बढ़ाता है: सिर की त्वचा को उत्तेजित करके बालों के विकास को बढ़ावा देता है।
  • स्कैल्प स्वास्थ्य में सुधार: स्कैल्प की तेल की स्थिति को संतुलित करता है और सूखापन व खुरदरापन को कम करता है।

Awla Ritha Shikakai Shampoo

Description (English):
This herbal shampoo, enriched with Amla (Awla), Ritha (Soapnut), and Shikakai, offers a natural and gentle cleansing experience. It is free from harmful chemicals and nourishes the hair and scalp, promoting healthy hair growth and strength. Regular use leaves the hair clean, shiny, and manageable.

Description (Hindi):
यह हर्बल शैम्पू, जिसमें आंवला, रीठा और शिकाकाई का मिश्रण है, बालों को प्राकृतिक और सौम्य तरीके से साफ करता है। यह हानिकारक रसायनों से मुक्त है और बालों और स्कैल्प को पोषण देता है, जिससे स्वस्थ बालों का विकास और मजबूती मिलती है। नियमित उपयोग से बाल साफ, चमकदार और आसानी से मैनेज किए जा सकते हैं।

How to Use (English):
Apply a small amount of shampoo to wet hair. Massage gently to form lather and rinse thoroughly with water. Repeat if necessary. For best results, use regularly.

How to Use (Hindi):
गीले बालों में शैम्पू की एक छोटी मात्रा लगाएं। हल्के से मसाज करें ताकि झाग बने, फिर पानी से अच्छे से धो लें। यदि आवश्यक हो, तो इसे दोबारा लगाएं। सर्वोत्तम परिणामों के लिए नियमित रूप से उपयोग करें।

Benefits (English):

  • Natural Cleanser: Gently cleanses hair without stripping it of its natural oils.
  • Adds Shine: Provides a natural shine and smooth texture.
  • Strengthens Hair: Helps in strengthening hair and preventing breakage.
  • Improves Scalp Health: Cleanses the scalp, keeping it fresh and healthy.

Benefits (Hindi):

  • प्राकृतिक क्लीनज़र: बालों को स्वाभाविक तेलों को बिना हटाए साफ करता है।
  • चमक बढ़ाता है: बालों में प्राकृतिक चमक और मुलायम बनावट देता है।
  • बालों को मजबूत करता है: बालों को मजबूती देता है और टूटने से बचाता है।
  • स्कैल्प स्वास्थ्य में सुधार: स्कैल्प को साफ करता है, जिससे यह ताजगी और स्वास्थ्य प्रदान करता है।

Dhootapapeshwar Kukkutandatvak Bhasma 60 Tablets

Description (English):
Dhootapapeshwar Kukkutandatvak Bhasma is an Ayurvedic remedy known for its beneficial effects on hair health. Made from eggshell and other medicinal herbs, it nourishes the hair from the inside by providing essential nutrients and minerals. This tablet supports hair growth, reduces hair fall, and improves scalp condition.

Description (Hindi):
धूतपापेश्वर कुकुटंदत्वक भस्म एक आयुर्वेदिक उपाय है जो बालों की सेहत के लिए फायदेमंद है। यह अंडे के खोल और अन्य औषधीय जड़ी-बूटियों से बना है, जो बालों को अंदर से पोषण देता है और आवश्यक खनिजों और पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर होता है। यह टैबलेट बालों के विकास को बढ़ावा देती है, बालों के झड़ने को कम करती है, और स्कैल्प की स्थिति को बेहतर बनाती है।

How to Use (English):
Take 1-2 tablets daily after meals or as directed by your healthcare provider.

How to Use (Hindi):
1-2 गोलियां भोजन के बाद या अपने स्वास्थ्य विशेषज्ञ के निर्देशानुसार लें।

Benefits (English):

  • Promotes Hair Growth: Stimulates hair follicles, encouraging stronger and thicker hair growth.
  • Reduces Hair Fall: Strengthens hair roots, helping to prevent hair fall and thinning.
  • Supports Scalp Health: Nourishes the scalp and balances oils, keeping it healthy and nourished.
  • Provides Essential Nutrients: Supplies minerals that are vital for healthy hair from within.

Benefits (Hindi):

  • बालों के विकास को बढ़ावा देता है: बालों की जड़ों को उत्तेजित करता है, जिससे बाल घने और मजबूत होते हैं।
  • बालों का झड़ना कम करता है: बालों की जड़ों को मजबूत करता है, जिससे बालों का झड़ना और पतलापन कम होता है।
  • स्कैल्प स्वास्थ्य का समर्थन करता है: स्कैल्प को पोषण देता है और तेल का संतुलन बनाए रखता है।
  • आवश्यक खनिज प्रदान करता है: शरीर के अंदर से स्वस्थ बालों के लिए जरूरी खनिज प्रदान करता है।

By using these products together, you can provide holistic care for your hair, ensuring it remains strong, shiny, and healthy both externally and internally.

Tue, 27 Aug 2024 19:30:41 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs
Dhootapapeshwar Kukkutandatvak Bhasma 60 Tablet https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dhootapapeshwar-kukkutandatvak-bhasma-60-tablet-2867 https://ayurdaantaherbs.com/dhootapapeshwar-kukkutandatvak-bhasma-60-tablet-2867

✔ Price: 322

Information about Dhootapapeshwar Kukkutandatvak Bhasma Tablet

Dhootapapeshwar Kukkutandatvak Bhasma Tablet is a blend of Ayurvedic herbs that address the problems related to joints and muscles. Being rich in calcium, it provides strength to the bones and muscles.

Key Ingredients:
  • Kukkutanda Tvak
  • Changeri Swarasa

Key Benefits:
  • It helps in strengthening your bones and muscles
  • It helps in enhancing the general health and wellbeing
  • It may address hair loss and greying of the hair

Directions For Use:
  • Use as directed by the physician

Safety Information:
  • Read the label carefully before use
  • Store in a cool and dry place, away from sunlight
  • Keep out of reach of children
Tue, 27 Aug 2024 19:19:18 +0530 Ayurdaanta Herbs